Caught out off guard.

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Kaail found himself, for the first time in ages, uncertain about how to proceed. His gaze lingered on the human peacefully sleeping on a mattress laid out on the floor. The confined space was spotless and meticulously organized, yet strangely minimalistic. It lacked the complexity he anticipated, appearing stark and far from the typical human dwelling he had envisioned.

Disgust clawed at Kaail as lewd noises emanated from the lower level of the house. How could she endure living in a place filled with such people? Would she care if he just went down there and silenced them definitely? Would she thank him or be mad at him?

Without the need for scanning, he could discern the pervasive scent of drugs and alcohol, a bothersome reminder that his human was in desperate need of rest. The audacious disregard for her well-being fueled his disapproval.

The numerous locks and pads on her door caught Kaail's attention. Observing her deliberate efforts to secure the entrance while seemingly ignoring his presence, he couldn't escape the pungent scent of her fear. An unsettling realization settled in - something was decidedly amiss with this place.

Mumbled noises brought his attention back to the small woman. Kaail couldn't deny the pleasure he derived from her curiosity earlier, especially when she explored the scars earned through his battles. The attention she bestowed upon him stirred a sense of delight. Yet, he grappled with his own response to her, a conflict that demanded every ounce of his self-control. He had entered this space with a singular purpose-to ensure her safety and rest. His initial intention was to remain unseen, but against all odds, he lost control of his actions when he watched her jumping from the fence to the roof.

The moment she drifted off lured by his purring, Kaail had carefully removed her footwear. Contemplating the true smallness and fragility of the human form up closer inspection. Taking his time, he absorbed every minute detail-the hue of her hair, the subtle freckles gracing her face, and the gentle rise and fall of her chest with each soft breath. Noticing the long nails painted with an iridescent tint, his thoughts drifted back to the memory of holding her small waist. The pulsating desire in his fingers yearned to touch her once more, a craving for more of her presence intensifying within him.

Finally the loud music coming from the lower level of the house ceased. He had thought of just going down there and smashing whatever was making such horrendous noises, but he knew better than just barge in into an unknown situation. He was patient. He would have the answers to his many questions once his female was fully rested.

Once again captivated by her beauty, he allowed his mind to drift with the idea of all the things he planned on doing with her. He had felt the curves on her soft body and the inviting scent of her arousal had him hard against his codpiece. A painful experience he didn't wished to experience ever again. He wondered what would she sound like while begging for everything he wanted to give her.

Kaail's attention snapped back to reality as he heard approaching footsteps-two heavy humans attempting to move stealthily. About to rise, he felt her touch on his arms, a surprising gesture that revealed her eyes were now fully alert, her heart racing within her chest. In a silent plea, she urged him to remain quiet. Half of her hair was still in a bun high in her head, the other half was cascading down her shoulders pooling on the covers of her mattress.

As the footsteps neared the door, he discerned the hushed murmurs of two males. Despite their attempts at subtlety, their words remained unintelligible. The door handle jiggled, initially soft, then escalating to a vigorous shake as the intruders attempted to force their way in.

The air thickened with the unmistakable scent of her fear, permeating the space. Kaail felt enraged. He decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to prove to his female that he was more than capable of protecting her.

With practiced grace, he stood up silently unsheathing his wrists blades. He had decided to kill whatever was scaring his human. He would obliterate anything daring to cross her path with ill intention.

He was surprised once again when said human steps in front of him. Puting her small hands on his abdomen trying to stop him. She was shaking her head, desperately. Her eyes, clouded with unshed tear's. Kaail was once more, confused.

The intruders appeared to relent in their attempts to breach the door. Kaail and his human stood in solemn silence for a couple of minutes, attuned to the fading footsteps. Once assured that the danger had passed, he retracted his blades. Glancing down, he observed his female trembling, taking deep breaths to steady herself. In that moment, he realized he disliked her fear-the way her eyes pleaded for mercy on whatever lurked beyond the door. The disturbance off her sleep unsettled him. And he didn't appreciate the vulnerability she displayed. Not even the touch of her hands on his hide managed to subside his lingering anger.

"Please. Don't hurt them." She whispered without looking at him.

Kaail lowered himself, squatting down. Even then, she avoided looking at him. Careful with his claws, he used a finger to rise her head up. "They hurt you. They die." He forced himself to speak her language. He never actually learned how to. He could understand many human dialects, but speaking them was a challenge a part.

She was looking to the eyes of his masks. He could read confusion and shame swirling inside her green orbs. "Why?"

He cocked his head to side. A gesture common to his species when they are curious. Why indeed was a good question. He reminded himself that he was yet to make his intentions clear. He clicked his mandibles in thought. Using his hands to put a strand of her hair behind her ear, Kaail forced his throat to answer. "Because You are Mine."




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