The Manager

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The Den thrived with activity. Every table hosted lively conversations, the barstools fully claimed. Standing clients engaged in dart games or huddled around the pool table, adding to the vibrant atmosphere.

Taiga beamed with joy, her confidence soaring to new heights, even reaching the moon. Kaail was jealous of her. She could feel his gaze tracking her every move like a hungry hawk.

Despite her limited knowledge of Kaail, Taiga sensed that his growling were involuntary. Yet the assurance that he listened to her reasoning eased any concerns of him becoming a problem.

Taiga was hurrying to and from the saloon. The whole staff was busy, even Derrick was behind the bar counter helping Arien with the drinks.

Everytime a table vacates, Sara hurriedly seated another group. She was still nervous under the Yautja presence, but was doing her best to simply ignore them.

The hush hour of a Saturday night was just this crazy. The constantly flux of costumers in and out, all seeking to have a good time inside the Den. Taiga would miss it dearly.

The uncountable stories she heard, the amazing energy from some. The sassiness of others. She would even miss the sporadic asshole. Here, she didn't had to walk on eggshells, no one would dare to hurt her. At The Den she could be simple her. Yes, she would miss this constantly atmosphere full of good energy, amazing foods and weird drinks.

She was organizing a round of twelve purple neon shots on her tray when a commotion started at Melissa's section.

"I don't care. You will find me a table where I want.!" The tall, barely dressed woman raised her voice demanding the attention of everyone.

Melissa visibly took in a breath. " I already explained to you Ma'am. We are full. This is the only table available at moment.."

They were a group of five women. Tall and muscular women. 'Fuckin Snu-snu.' Taiga thought shaking her head side to side. She served the shots to a group of Satoryains that were playing pool.

She stopped paying attention to the annoying group in order to do her job. Once in a while she would just cast a glance at Melissa's direction to make sure she was okay.

Not even half an hour passes by when Taiga was on her way to place an order for table twenty seven, when a familiar voice called her name. Her real fucking name.

"Mary Ann? Is that really you?"

Taiga turned around, her friendly face long gone. She knew that voice. Of course, it was older and a little more gravely. But she recognized it right away. "Nicole Stevens."

Nicole was almost unrecognizable. She had always been on the tall side, but now standing past the mark of six feet's with the help of high hills, clad in muscles to make any bodybuilder cry of envy and wearing only a small strap top and a really short Shorts. Her blood hair was cut short, barely reaching her ear's. Weird tattoos graced both of hers muscular veined arms. " You work here?" She had that cinical sneer on her face.

" No, no.... I'm just cosplaying. It is like a fun hobby." Taiga offered already out of patience. That girl used to bully her relentless back when she was in middle school. Nicole made the decision to drop out off way to easy.

" Ouch. You don't have to be like this." She smiled sweetly. " We were friends,right?"

"No, we weren't." Taiga tone was dry. "Now excuse me. I have work to do. " She turned around to march to the kitchen computer to place her client's order.

"You don't need to be petty!" Nicole followed her. "We were children. I never meant to hurt your fellings." The tall woman sounded indignant.

" I will not discuss this subject any further." Taiga finished imputing the order and went to organize a ready portion off marinade crabs on her tray. "If you can't see, I am busy. Please stop talking to me."

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