Date night.

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Taiga woke up startled, not recalling when she had drifted off. Gradually, memories of sitting comfortably on Kaail's lap flooded her mind, eliciting a smile as her heart fluttered within her ribcage.

Standing up, she checked her watch, content with the amount of rest she had. Strangely, since Kaail's arrival, she felt a newfound ability to sleep peacefully. Her smile widened when she reached her door and found it locked. He had remembered to lock it.

Filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness, Taiga grabbed her toiletries and a change of clothes, heading to the bathroom. The notion of having a date still felt surreal. She pondered, for not the first time, if Yautjas engaged in dating rituals. Eager to present her best self, she revisited her attic, retrieving a black vanity bag from her drawer.

Committing to a thorough skincare routine, she pampered herself. After cleansing her skin, she indulged in a moisturizing mask, followed by her favorite hair treatment. With the convenience of a past laser treatment, she didn't have to worry about shaving – a choice she had grown to love over the years.

Checking the time, Taiga embarked on a cleaning spree throughout the house. Tackling the kitchen first, then the living room, she interspersed her chores with rounds of laundry. Amidst her tasks, thoughts of the upcoming date with Kaail lingered in her mind.

Somewhere along the way, she realized the house was eerily empty – no sign of Philip or Mary Sue. Although not complaining, Taiga couldn't help but find it peculiar.

Having completed her cleaning tasks, Taiga found herself with some spare time. Seizing the opportunity, she meticulously painted her nails, choosing a subtle nude shade of polish. As she waited for her nails to dry, the sound of the door downstairs opening caught her attention – Philip and Mary Sue had returned. Swiftly, she secured herself in the attic, ensuring the door was fully locked.

Taking a moment to pause, Taiga waited before making a final trip to the bathroom. Once there, she indulged in a leisurely, refreshing shower. As water cascaded, she rinsed her hair and carefully combed it under the flowing water. To her own surprise, she realized she was humming a tune, adding an unexpected touch of joy to her preparations.

Taiga selected a flowing lavender sundress adorned with delicate white flowers. Completing her ensemble, she opted for simple wedge heels with white straps that gave her a few extra inches. Adopting a minimalist makeup approach, she adorned her features with a subtle cat-eye and a touch of pink lipstick. After drying her hair, she chose to let its waves cascade freely down her back, reaching past her waist. Adding the final touches, she adorned her ears with a simple pair of earrings. Giving herself a once-over in the mirror, she couldn't help but giggle, thoroughly satisfied with her cute and charming look.

Grabbing her phone she took a photo and sent it to Gerome with the text attached to it that said "Pray for me. I have a date :)" and then, she awaited. She had about ten minutes before the sunset.

A ping on her phone signaled a response from Gerome. She laughed loudly when she read it."Bitch, explain yourself, wtf do you mean by Date? You lookin' stunning btw."

Still grinning she texted back; "I will tell you everything when I come back. ;) xoxo"; looking around she retrieved the translator from it's charger and put it on her ear. Grabbing a small white purse, she put her phone - that she had put on silent mode-, and her small wallet inside.

Inhaling deeply, Taiga stepped out of her window, nervously standing on her roof. The gentle wind carried his scent, and she turned to see his form gradually becoming visible. Blushing, she smiled as Kaail stood there, seemingly unmoved. Sensing his eyes tracing her body, she fidgeted with the handle of her purse before managing to utter a somewhat steady "Hi."

Kaail remained silent for a moment, standing still. After a few nervous heartbeats, he approached, delicately taking a strand of her hair in his hand. With a gentle touch, he turned it around his finger, as if her hair were the most incredible thing he had ever seen.

Without uttering a single word he took her in his arm and jumped from rooftop to rooftop. She was holding on his neck for dear life while laughing nervously as the land scape rapidly changed. Kaail was faster than she anticipated for someone his size. He also was strong, he weight clearly meaning nothing for him.

The sun had already completely set giving room to the moon and stars to shine in the sky above when Kaail finally stopped and allowed a shaking Taiga to stand on her unsteady feet's. She took a minute to smooth out her dress and tidy up her hair that had suffered with the speed and wind.

Looking around he had taken her to an empty but beautiful park. She had passed this place a few times. The place was a lush green landscape, with vibrant flowers scattered like nature's confetti. Majestic trees stand tall, their branches offering a natural canopy that dances with the breeze. Serene water fountains grace the scenery, their gentle murmur blending harmoniously with the rustle of leaves. A sense of peace pervades the air, inviting visitors to wander along winding paths, surrounded by the symphony of nature's colors and sounds. With regular intervals there were benches paired up with light poles.

"Whoa," she breathed out. "I've never been here at night." Walking toward a bench, she took a seat and looked at him, still standing in the same place he had landed. She smiled, patting the bench invitingly, urging him to sit beside her.

Without hesitation, the hunter closed the distance, assuming a relaxed stance, his form comfortably claiming most of the bench. Taiga couldn't help but ogle him from head to toe, captivated by his presence.

"Now what?" He sounded annoyed.

" Now we talk." She answered still staring at his profile. Kaail looked tense. " Are you okay?"

"Yautja do not date. I am unsure of how to proceed. " He sounded like speaking those words alone were a though pill to swallow.

" To be honest with you... I am unsure myself." She reached out to him, putting a hand on his forearm. " But I am happy to be here, with you."

Kaail visible relaxed. Resting his back on the bench, he finally turned to look at her. He regarded her for moment and then reached to remove his mask. Taiga smiled grew wide, she finally could see his beautiful eyes. " I have a question for you, Taiga."

Her heart fluttered inside her chest. "I will be glad to answer."

" Why do live in a place you had clearly deemed unsafe?"

Taiga nodded, she was expecting he would question something about it. "Because my mother lives there and for the longest time I was convinced I could save her."

Kaail cocked his head to side," It's normal for Ooman offspring to take care of their parents?"

"No. It is not." Taiga could see the confusion in his expression. " My mother became sick when my father died during the great rebellion when I was seven. She lost her mind and ended up under the spell of heavy drugs. She stopped behaving like a mother and I had to step up in order to keep a roof under our heads."

" This is wrong." Kaail was visible getting agitated.

"Yeah, it is. But it is what it is." She looked away gathering courage to speak. " Miss Belford, Gerome's mother. She made sure was fed and taught me how to take care of myself. Unfortunately, she too, passed away." She took a deep breath. " I really believed I could heal her somehow, that with time and effort she would go back to be the person she was before." She looked back at him. " Clearly I've failed. There's nothing I can do help someone that doesn't want to be helped."

"Your dedication to your blood is remarkable." Kaail said after some time. " I am eager to see your dedication to our pups"

"P-pups?" She was caught completely out of guard. "What you mean by pups?"


Hehehehe 😶‍🌫️

Surprise chapter for y'all ❤️

Have fun.

See y'all soon 😁


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