A Hard Mission.

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As Taiga made her way to work, she couldn't shake off the weirdness of the day. Waking up from a prolonged slumber, she was startled by her mother insisting knocking on her door followed by a awkward inquiry about voices emanating from the attic in the early hours. Hastily concocting a lie about experimenting with a radio app on her phone. Mary Sue had expressed how upset Philip was at the thought of her bringing someone to His house. Mary Sue also had the guts to suggest that Taiga kept her room unlocked. Taiga brushed off the conversation, not wanting to drown into this insanity.

But now, as she reflected on the encounter, anger simmered within her. How dare that piece of shit refer to the place she paid for as His house? Philip was nothing more than dead weight, never contributing a single credit towards the household despite holding down a job. Taiga realized she wouldn't miss him one bit. If anything, she felt liberated at the thought of never breath the same air as his once she was gone.

In two weeks she would be gone. Forever. She had drafted and discarded many times her two weeks notice letter. She had it on her bag, neatly folded and weighting a ton.

Pausing at the employees' entrance, Taiga stood there for a moment, the world swirling around her like clothes caught in a tumultuous washing machine. It was a sensation she detested, feeling tossed about like a fragile doll. She wasn't accustomed to this lack of control. In her life, she had always been the orchestrator, even in moments that suggested otherwise. Taiga held a tight rein on her finances, on the well-being of others, and most importantly, on herself. Despite the scars from a few past wounds, she had never relinquished the grip she maintained on every aspect of her life.

But now, Taiga was daring more than a few steps into the unknown. First, the plan to leave all she ever know behind and then the Yautja appearance in her roof and everything that happened between them.

For the first time in her life, Taiga felt utterly lost. She had meticulously researched the topic of being taken by a Yautja, only to discover a scarcity of information. The unsettling truth loomed: those chosen by them never returned. The broader discourse on Yautja relationships offered no mention of mating for life, unlike some species. Their mating seasons introduced a thick layer of confusion. Taiga harbored a multitude of questions for Kaail, requiring answers before she could even contemplate anything between them.

On the flip side, she grappled with the realization that she was never truly alone. The fear of solitude cast a shadow over her plan to leave Earth. Could she be enough for herself? Was she capable of living life with her newfound selfishness? A multitude of questions pounded her brain all at once. She stepped inside, bracing herself for the night.

"Derrick..." She approached her boss after getting ready for her shift. " Can we talk?"

Her boss nodded and motioned for her to follow him to his office. Once inside he pointed her to a chair. " What can I do for you?"

She hesitated, the words caught in her throat before she closed her mouth. The memory of their first encounter flooded her mind, a bittersweet reminder of a pivotal moment in her life. It had been a day filled with uncertainty and desperation. He, in dire need of staff, and she, in search of a second job to make ends meet. Derrick had offered her a temporary contract without knowing her age, only to erupt in fury upon discovering she was only nineteen years old.

In that moment, facing dismissal on the spot, she had pleaded with him, her desperation laid bare for all to see. She needed the job, and she was willing to do anything to secure her position. With courage born of necessity, she had opened up about her life, sharing her struggles and hopes with Derrick. To her surprise, against all odds, he had chosen to keep her. He never judged her, never treated her as less than worthy. Instead, he recognized her efforts and rewarded them with kindness and understanding. That day marked the beginning of a bond that transcended the confines of a mere employer-employee relationship, forging a connection rooted in mutual respect and empathy.

She lowered her head. She loved The Den since day one, but Gerome was right. She couldn't keep living like this. Taiga took a deep breath and looked at Derrick. His expression had changed, before, he was relaxed. Now, he looked at her worried and tense. She put her notice on his desk and awaited until her opened it. " I am moving out." She blurted.

"Finally!" The older man breathed in genuine relief. Taiga confusion must have been written on her face because her quickly explained. " I have been praying for this day since I've hired you." He confessed. "Nobody deserve the burden you carry, Taiga."

" I owe you so much." She almost choked on the knot on her throat. " A lifetime wouldn't be enough for me to repay the trust and kindness you've shown me."

Derrick stood up from his chair and in fast strides he was on the chair next to her. " You don't owe me anything. I am the one in debt with you." He held her hand. " You have made The Den that I've dreamed off come true. There wasn't a single day that I regretted breaking that stupid law." When he saw that a 'but' was forming in her mouth he cut her off. "But if you really want to repay me, just be happy. That's all I want for you. Happiness."

Taiga was holding her tear's. She couldn't talk, so she just nodded and smiled at him. Derrick pulled her for hug.

" I am so proud of you little one. So fucking proud!" Derrick had tear's running down his face.

"You gonna make me cry. I don't want to cry."

He laughed at this. "You've made me cry and I am not complaining!" He said after running a hand at his eyes to swipe away the tear's. " And I will cry a lot more trying to replace you. You set the bar pretty high."

She giggled. " You are going to be okay."  She was about to leave when she remembered something. " Derrick?" He looked at her expectantly." Can I borrow the translator? I will bring it back Monday."

He frown at her. " Yeah, sure, but why?"

"I kinda have a date tomorrow." She blushed a little.

"A date ?" He smiled. " That's a first. Just make sure the thing is charged before your next shift." With that he dismissed her.


Hey guys... Sorry for the delay. Had a rough couple of days. Anyway... you know the drill.



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