New Lesson

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Kaail was seated in his pilot chair attentively looking at the place His female worked. He had spent the day outside her window, cloaked. He used his time to do some research and think.

When His Human had proposed a "date" he didn't knew what she was talking about and had decided to just play along. Now he knew what she had asked, it was a meeting, with the purpose of evaluate potential mates.

Kaail didn't knew how to court human females. He had experience with females from his kind during mating seasons. And with the number of Yautjas females being dangerous low, the mating seasons were a bloodbath and rarely bore any results. The truth was harsh, Yautjas were unable to reproduce by themselves.

He didn't know exactly when he started referring to her as his. Yet, it didn't bother him; it was simply the truth. He understood that by the rules, once a Yautja takes a human, it's a commitment for the duration of her life. Strangely enough, most off the hunters who had chosen a mate had opted to extend their mate's lifespan.

" Are we going in tonight?" Baa'kub interrupted his thoughts.

" I'm thinking about it." Truth was; Kaail didn't like his female working there. He understood why she did it, but he was having a hard time to control himself everytime anyone looked at her with lust. " How was your hunt?" He decided to change subjects

"A little boring." Baa'kub sounded annoyed." The Oomans I've encountered hardly gave any fight."

" Don't let your guard down. Remember what Talkan told you about hunting Oomans." He advised.

"I didn't forget it." Baa'kub took a sit. " It's just... I expected more."

" That's because you are focused only on the battle." Kaail swirled his chair to face his nephew. In ten years Baa'kub would be sent to his Chiva. He was fiscally capable, but lacked patience. "You were the one choose to hunt on earth. Why?"

The Youngblood sat straight in his chair under the gaze of his superior. "Because many have failed before."

" That's why you are disappointed." Kaail pondered his next word's. He didn't enjoy hunting humans, too much noise for his taste, but he understood the appeal. " Ooman prey is a game of patience. You will understand it when you find the golden egg."

"Golden egg?" Baa'kub cocked his head to the side.

"Most humans will tremble in fear and give up just by seeing you. Until you find the one that will fights back. The Golden Egg." Kaail explained. "They are rare, but they had taken many yautjas down. The trick part is: you can't tell a Human will be a golden egg until it is too late. They are cunning, fast thinkers and creative. I've never found one."

"So it's not a guarantee..." Baa'kub was in deep thought.

" You never know what you will find in a hunt pup."

"May I ask how is your hunt going?" The younger changed the subject.

" You may not." Kaail wasn't about to admit to his nephew that he was going to be evaluated by the human. "I am going down. You may come if you want."

" Can we have ribs again?" Baa'kub perked at the idea.

" Yes."

Reaching the entrance to the establishment, he noticed that there was a small line. They uncloaked and walked to the hostess ignoring the line.

It was always amusing to see the Oomans that guilded them to their table react to their presence. She would go pale and stumble on her words. Tonight was no different. "W-welcome back t-to t-t-the Den."

He didn't want to wait for her cordiality today. He wished to see his female. Therefore, he just walked past her towards his table, Baa'kub following behind. Upon reaching his destination he was annoyed to find a group off Vulpines sitting at his table.

"Kaail." He heard his female call from behind him. " Please follow me, I have a table available for y'all." She smiled. The hunter followed her to another table and awaited for the thing to be set up for his size. He watched attentively as she cleaned the table. " I am sorry, we are packed to the brim tonight. What can I get for y'all? "

"C'ntlip and rib's" he heard Baa'kub answer.

"Okay. I will be right back." She made her usual bow and was about to leave, but turned back facing the younger. " Can I ask your name ?"

"Why do you want to know my name Ooman?" His nephew crossed his arms and cocked his head to the side.

"I am just curious... Besides I don't think you want to be referred to as The Small One...." She smiled at him and Kaail snorted a laugh.

"Baa'kub." His nephew growled.

"I will practice my pronunciation!" She offered embarrassed after trying a few times and failing.

Whit that she stepped away from their table. Baa'kub was glaring dagger's at her. "You sure that is the one you want to mate?"

"Yes. She is definitely the one I want to mate." Kaail answered still trying not to laugh.

She placed their glasses with a fast "here you go." And left in a hurry to tend to the many others tables. Kaail had thought the place was full last night, but today was so packed that he saw new tables around. He watched bitterly as His female laughed at something a male Gerbidry told her. He could smell the fucker all the away here.

Silence fell heavy on the place, it took Kaail a few beats to understand why. He was growling. He didn't noticed. Kaail was confused, normally he was really good at keeping his emotion's in check.

"Kaail..." She had marched to him, standing beside his chair, she was so close. Normally she kept a polite distance, standing out of reach. He wanted to hold her again. "Are you okay?"

"You are mine." He didn't plan on saying that.

She smiled politely " That's not what I've asked. It is against the House Rules to growl or roar inside. Please don't do it again."

" Can't promise. To many fuckers lusting after you."

"I can't control how others may feel about me, but I can assure you that there's is no chance of me reciprocating." She stepped even closer and whispered. " I am really excited about our date tomorrow." She stepped away, gave a bow and marched back to the other table.

Kaail was left felling weird. How could she calm him down with just a few simple words? He was ready to bring this place down and burn it, but just the sensation of her voice pacified his rage.

" You are already possessive about her." Baa'kub was looking at him apprehensive.

"Yes." He was, that wasn't an exaggeration. She was his after all.

" I've been told that Oomans don't deal well with it. You should be careful."

"Thanks for the advice Small One. Will keep it in mind."


Hope y'all are having as much fun reading it as I am writing it.

See y'all soon.

Vote comment and enjoy!!!


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