Under Control.

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Fair warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

There's mature content ahead....

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For the first time in her life, Taiga felt ready. The burning deep in her core demanded to be satisfied and for once she couldn't find a reason not to. The feeling of his hand on her most vulnerable area didn't scared her, completely opposite actually. Her breathing was ragged and she couldn't control her own heartbeat.

She saw the moment Kaail's pupils dilated and couldn't avoid the wave of embarrassment when he took an audible deep breath. The hand on her waist pushed her down forcibly making her pulsating core to meet his frustrating codpiece. The feeling of the metal barrier touching her elated a barely audible moan. The hand on her neck closed a little more squeezing it a little and her rational brain shut down.

Kaail had complete control over her and she didn't mind it one bit. For a couple of seconds she feared to be seen in such compromising position but figured she actually didn't gave a single fuck. She wanted him . And she wanted him right the fuck now. Unable to control herself, she glided her nails through his chest, slowly going down. Taiga felt every muscle her fingertips touched spasming in response to her. Their eyes were locked unto each other none daring to look away.

With surprising speed Kaail stood up bringing her with him, her legs were trying to close around his waist for support while both off his hands were on her ass. Faster than she could understand he started to run and with a single jump,they were inside his ship, headed only him knew were.

Suddenly, she found herself being laid down on a soft surface surrounded by darkness, and a chill ran through her as she felt him step away. "Kaail?" Gradually, the lights began to illuminate the room. As she looked around, she found herself in a space with dark metallic walls, lying on a bed covered in various furs. Kaail stood, blocking most of her view. In this vulnerable position, she realized the gravity of the moment, and her breath caught in her throat. Looking up at him, she saw he was clearly expecting something, though she couldn't discern what.
Immersed in his captivating scent, she felt a surge of boldness and determination, unwilling to let the moment slip away. She wanted him, needed him even. She propelled herself on his bed hands ready to touch his rough, hot Alien skin. But Kaail's hand shot up grabbing her arms before she could reach him. Confusion flooded her mind, she frowned unable to avoid the wave of rejection that flooded her body.

"You are small and frail." His spoke, but it sounded more like growling that words." I do not wish to break you." He lowered himself on her, with one hand he pinned her arms above her head on the bed. " You will submit to me. Don't fight, don't challenge me. Do you understand?" Kaail was using his other hand to support his weight, with his knee he opened her legs, positioning himself. "I asked you a question."

"Y-yes..." She breathed. "I understand." She managed to whisper. This was becoming too much, her while body felt like it was on fire. She had been exited before. But nothing like this, this was more. This was madness and she couldn't deny that she wanted more. Much more.

Slowly Kaail let go of her arms standing to sit on his hunches. He looked down at the human on his nest, she was so fucking beautiful. His female was glowing like a thousands Suns for him and the scent of her arousal was tempting his self control. Kaail couldn't allow himself to loose control right now, not when he finally had her. He had researched human anatomy and knew this first time would be naturally painful for his female, he didn't desire to make it worse. Dutifully he started to raise her garment up, using this slow torture to breath in out aiming to maintain every ounce off discipline.

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