Loosing Control

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Kaail froze for a moment, panic seizing him at the sight of her still form. The haunting image of her limp and bloodied body twisted his insides. In a hurried frenzy, he scooped her up and dashed to the med-bay, carefully laying her down into one of the healing pods. As the lid closed, providing full readings of her health, a wave of relief washed over him—she would be fine, her artery untouched.

Commanding the healing process to begin, he couldn't shake the fury building within him. How could he lose control with her? Everything had been going perfectly. Though he hadn't pierced her jugular, his bite had reached her bone. He had hurt her, badly. Kaail grappled with the unfamiliar feeling of guilt and regret, uncertain of how to navigate this newfound emotional mess.
Trying to rein in his rage, Kaail roared fiercely as the door swooshed open, unleashing his fury at whoever dared to approach his female. Even in his enraged state, he could see Baa'kub wisely backing off, head low and palms up. As the door closed, Kaail found himself ready for battle, arms open and knees bent.

He questioned his own reactions. He was an Elite, not supposed to feel threatened by a Youngblood like Baa'kub. The fellow Yautja wasn't an enemy, so why did Kaail react this way?

He glanced back, and she appeared even smaller engulfed by the healing pod designed for someone his size. Her expression was serene, resembling peaceful sleep. As his eyes traversed her body, claw marks adorned her hips. A part of him found contentment in the fact that she bore his marks, while another couldn't forgive himself for causing her such pain.

Involuntarily, his hand rested on the pod's lid. He comprehended why many hunters extended the lives of their human mates. When he opened his eyes and saw her limp and bleeding beneath him, an unexpected emotion flooded Kaail—fear. The fear of losing her, a sentiment he never thought possible. Death was an inevitable part of life, and she would die eventually, yet the notion of a life without her presence unsettled him deeply.

For two hours, he remained unmovable, gazing at the scar on her shoulder born from his bite. Involuntarily, his chest swelled with pride, she was his. Still simmering with rage, Kaail acknowledged that he would have slain anything daring to enter the med-bay during that time. He realized the need for greater control around her; such lapses could be perceived as weakness, and weakness was not a trait Kaail embraced.

As her eyes began to move, attempting to open, he commanded the lid to release. Once more, a sense of trepidation swept over him. Would she be angry? Could he regain her trust? Battling his own insecurities, he stepped away from the pod, waiting for her to fully awaken, unsure of the emotional landscape that awaited.

He observed her slowly opening her eyes, catching the scent of her fear as her heartbeat raced. In an instant, she shot up, poised to run, until her gaze found him. Kaail witnessed the transformation in her expression, fear giving way to relief. He could sense her fear dissipating, and her heart rate returning to normal. When she smiled at him, he released a breath he hadn't known he was holding. In that moment, a realization dawned on him: he was hers.

"What happened?" He voice was low and raspy. Kaail went to a compartiment and filled a jug with water for her. He was still trying to control his anger." Thank you." She said and proceed to drink almost the whole jug he had offered her. He only nodded. She was frowning at him. "Kaail, where are we? What happened?".

Kaail chose not to answer, instead carefully scooping her up and holding her close. She seemed to understand his reluctance to talk, refraining from asking further questions. He was relieved that she didn't shy away, and allowed him to carry her back to his chambers. Upon reaching their destination, he remembered the need to change the blood-stained furs. Placing her down on his working table, he signaled her to stay put and made his way to his nest.

After discarding the stained furs, he returned to her. He laid down bringing her with him, positioning her in a way the she would be draped over him like a blanket. It felt good to have there. Only then he allowed his body to relax. She was safe, she was in his arms.

"Kaail..." He heard her whisper after awhile "Please tell me what happened." She was drawing circles on his chest not looking at him.

He took a deep breath. "I marked you." He resumed the accident. "Lost control for a moment and hurted you.

"I feel completely fine," she murmured, raising her head to meet his gaze. "Honestly thought I would be sore, but I don't feel a thing." A moment of confusion flickered across her expression. "Are you okay?" His response was silent; instead, he used his hands to hold her securely against his chest. A peculiar sensation stirred in his belly when she giggled. "Don't be like that. I am perfectly fine." Her attempt to break free from his embrace piqued his curiosity, and he allowed it. Once free, she skillfully straddled him in a sitting position.

Kaail was once again caught off guard as her arousal permeated his senses. He sensed her hands tracing a path across his chest, ascending to his neck before delicately reaching his face. With warmth in her smile, she gently explored each mandible, testing the texture of his tusks. In her eyes, he detected a myriad of unknown emotions, but one stood out—happiness. Closing his eyes, he savored the sensation of her touch. As she paid special attention to the Clan Mark on his forehead, he found himself growing aroused again. Unlike previous times when he had chosen to purr for her, this time it came naturally. Yes, he was complete sure now. There wasn't anything this human could ask that he wouldn't do. He was fucked. He was claimed.


A cute chapter for y'all....

See y'all soon 😁

Remember, vote, comment and have fun 😊!


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