New Life.

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Kaail rose from the nest with great care, mindful not to disturb his human companion who slumbered peacefully beside him. Pausing for a moment, he admired her form, noting the exhaustion that lingered upon her features. He, too, felt the weight of weariness settle upon him—a sensation unfamiliar to one who prided himself on his stamina, capable of enduring weeks without rest or sustenance while on the hunt. A soft chuckle escaped him as he stretched his limbs, resolving to dedicate time to training and honing his physique once they settled in Prime. He refused to be outdone by his mate.

She was amazing. The sounds she made, the way she surrendered to him in his embrace, pleading for more—it was an experience that surpassed anything he had imagined possible. While he exercised restraint, knowing well the power he wielded, he found solace in the knowledge that his discipline was always well rewarded by her pleasure.

Leaving his quarters behind, Kaail made his way to the cockpit, satisfied with the way things had unfolded. Settling into the pilot chair, he took a moment to center himself and refocus. Running a quick diagnostic of the ship, he received positive readings—his vessel was in perfect condition and ready for flight. With a swift message, he ordered his nephew to return immediately.

His thoughts drifted to Baa'kub, who had ventured out to explore the local fauna and had been absent for two days. The anticipation of overseeing his own pup hunts filled Kaail's heart with excitement, a broad grin spreading across his face as he imagined the future prospects.

Kaail's attention was drawn to a ping resonating in the cockpit, prompting him to investigate further. Upon closer inspection, he recognized the call coming from his Clan leader..

"I received the report about the incident with the Galactic Federation. You did good. The council is going over the data, trades and protection are suspended for now."

Kaail nodded. He knew things would get ugly for the Galactic Federation until they concede to his demands. Prime doesn't do business with corrupted groups. "They will bend. Eventually." The Galactic Federation was good at keeping the appearance, but they were imploding. It was a matter of time until Prime fully took over earth.

"How is Baa'kub?" With official matters out of the way, Talkan tone was more easygoing.

"Bored." Kaail chuckled. " He got bored pretty fast."

"I've warned that wind-head that he would find it too easy. But did he listened to me? No, he did not." The elder projection was walking side by side. "His most important hunt before his Chiva, and he chooses a weakened species, just because someone dared him to!"

"He got many trophy's though." Kaail interjected, "He also seemed to have learned a thing or two hunting humans bad bloods."

Talkan took a deep breath, "I was made aware that you found yourself a mate."

"I did." Kaail's tone was formal and respectful.

"A human... I assume." Kaail nodded. His Clan leader scratched his jaw in thought. "I trust your judgement in this."

"You honor me with your trust." Kaail fisted his right hand on his left chest.

"When do you plan to come back?"

Kaail checked Baa'kub response quickly. " We leave in four hours."

His leadder nodded. " Once you arrive, bring me your mate. I want to meet this Ooman who tamed your bad temper."

Kaail laughed, "Consider it done, Sire."

After that Talkan disconnected, leaving Kaail to his own thoughts. A smile graced his mandibles once more as he anticipated his father's reaction to Taiga. Talkan was old and wise, and Kaail had no doubt that he would view his mate favorably.

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