Two Yautjas Walk into a Bar.

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Sara was speechless. Her poor brain was empty and her body was a trembling mess. "W-welcome t-to t-t-the Den...." She tried to be brave but apparently her soul have left her body as well. Who could blame her? Right there in front of her were two Predators. Their masks drilling holes into the poor woman. She opened and closed her mouth a few times and yet, she couldn't bring herself to speak. Right there she decided that Ursolites were rather very nice. She promised to herself that if she survived this, she would give those naked bears a chance.

The heavy silence was just making it worse, she needed to get rid of them. Taking a breath she managed to say. "P-please follow me, I have the p-perfect table for you."

If the hunters understood her or don't she couldn't know, they simply stood there, existing and suffocating her. Slowly, she took a step back, then another and using a shaking hand she gestured for them to follow. On her way to table twenty one, she had half the mind to insert the command to the table to adjust for the giant guests. The moment they entered the saloon, all the charter and laugh stopped abruptly. "P-please, make y-yourself comfortable. O-our b-best waitress will j-join you shortly."

Sara never stepped away from a table so fast in her life. In the six years she worked as hostess for The Den, this was the first time she couldn't control her fear. "Taiga!" She almost cried holding the petite girl. The waitress was the most reliable employee at The Den. Taiga would know how to deal with the intimidating duo at table twenty one.

"Shit Sara, you are shaking!" Taiga was surprised at how scared Sara was sounding. She saw the moment those two crossed the threshold. Fuck her, she knew they would be seated at her section and for the first time she wasn't confident she could handle those two. Especially the taller one, there was something about him that took Taiga's breath away from her lungs. She didn't had to be an expert to know that he was extremely lethal.

Taiga made her way to table twenty one, taking calming deep breaths and repeating to herself that as long as she was respectful, she would be alright. " Good night gentleman's. I am Taiga and I'll be your waitress for the night."  She awaited a few beats and started her routine of showing how the holographic menu worked, "here's our menu, if you touch.."

"I know how a simple menu works Ooman." It was the shortest one that cut her off rudely.

"Oh, sorry." Taiga offered in a small voice. "Well then, just to be on the safe side," she opened the tab with the House Rules." Those are our rules and if you tap here," she pointed to a small button on the corner of the table " I will receive a ping on my wrist device and come right away." She smiled to the very silent duo. It was really awkward. She could sense the tension in the room,  Taiga knew everyone was awaiting with holding breaths for her signal that everything would be alright. "Anything I can get for you to start the night?"

"What do you suggest?" It was the taller one, his voice was divine. For a moment Taiga heart forgot how to beat and her lungs burned without oxygen.

"Hmmm." He was looking straight to her eyes, she couldn't see his eyes through the mask, but she felt it. " We do have C'ntlip." She offered remembering Derrick speech abou it was absolutely forbidden to serve it for humans. Mostly Arien uses it as part of some special cocktails but the Yautjan beverage was available nonetheless.

The smaller one emitted a low growl, and for a moment, it seemed like he might stand up, only to be abruptly silenced by the larger one. A mere pointed look from the towering figure hushed the irate yautja. The tallest one shifted his gaze back to her, meeting her eyes with a subtle, almost imperceptible nod. It was clear – he had given his approval to her suggestion. Expressing gratitude, she executed a deep bow before turning to leave.

As she walked away, the smallest one growled something to his companion on her back, but she opted to ignore it. Catching the tense expressions on Sara and Derrick's faces, she reassured them with a thumbs up. It would undoubtedly be a challenge, but deep down, she firmly believed that the duo wasn't seeking trouble.

With the enormous glasses expertly balanced on her tray, the chatter gradually returned to normal. She skillfully made her way back to table twenty-one, navigating the crowd without a hitch. Despite the weight of the tray, the fact that she could feel the Hunters' intense stares didn't make her task any easier.

"Here you go," she announced, placing the drinks on the table. "Have you decided on anything to eat?" They simply shook their heads. "Okay then. Just give me a ping when you need anything." As she was about to leave, ready to let the hunters savor their drinks, the tallest among them interrupted her.

"What happened to you face?" Taiga wondered how it was possible to make a simple question sound like a command.

"Oh, my face had a date with the cupboard." She laughed dismissinly.

" You are lying." He accused.

Taiga was a little taken aback by the way he said that. "Yes I'm lying." She said without loosing her smile."That doesn't mean you can't pretend to believe me huh?"

" You will come to learn that I do not engage in the entertainment of falsehoods."

"With all due respect, Sir," Taiga began, maintaining a neutral tone and a polite smile, "I'm not at ease divulging personal information. Could you please cut me some slack and allow a few white lies?" She shivered as he gave her a once-over, feeling his gaze on her skin, and found herself briefly wishing it were his hands instead.

He simple nodded dismissing her. She bowed and fast walked away from him. She needed to get away from him. He was dangerous.


"Damn it, Gerome," Taiga muttered, placing blame on her friend—and her own unruly hormones—for the confusing mix of feelings inside her. His unhealthy fixation on her nonexistent sex life was becoming a source of turmoil. Coincidentally, the previous night, he delved into theorizing what it would be like to get banged by a Yautja. Excusing herself to the bathroom, she felt a desperate need to splash some cold water on her face.
Examining herself in the mirror, she closed her eyes and took deep breaths. "It's okay," she reassured herself. "He's undeniably attractive. It's normal to feel a little stirred by a walking, talking Adonis." She schooled her thoughts, reminding herself that such reactions were entirely acceptable. Reflecting on their brief interaction, she concluded that her body's response was triggered by his commanding and confident voice, which she found truly fantastic.

A beep on her wrist brought her back to the now. Looking down at the red screen, a defeated moan escaped her mouth. "Oh Fuck me!" Table twenty one was calling for her.


Vote, comment and have fun!!!

By the way I am taking a lot of liberties with this fic.

See y'all soon. 🥰😜😏

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