Weird Oomans

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Kaail found himself perched on the rooftop of a weathered structure in the deteriorating south quadrant of this human town.

The Yautja elite hunter rose up to imposing height of eight feet, his bulging muscles accentuating his formidable presence. Clad in a sleek yet sturdy armor, its dull black hue was adorned with intricate silver engravings, a testament to the artistry and functionality of Yautja craftsmanship. His mask, with a perpetual angry aura, added an intimidating edge to his already imposing figure.
The hunter's spines, adorned with countless rings, stood as a visual chronicle of his numerous achievements—a display of prowess and dominance etched into the very essence of his being.

The air was thick with a pungent scent that assaulted his senses, yet he pressed on. He had made a promise to his sister – to personally oversee her pup on his inaugural hunt. Baa'kub, was young but already displaying the lethal traits inherent in their bloodline, stirred a mix of pride and a subtle twinge of jealousy in Kaail.

Despite his reluctance to admit it, Kaail couldn't help but envy his sister's ever-expanding family. Tarey-sar, one of the last Yautjas females, had been blessed by the Gods with a life-mate, a fact that added a layer of complexity to Kaail's emotions as he watched over her offspring.

The Hunter harbored a silent longing for companionship, a yearning he would never openly admit. Deep down, he yearned for the pride of raising his own pup, a desire tinged with a sense of uncertainty. While the option to choose an Ooman mate was available, it didn't sit well with him. In the wake of the revelation about Ooman-Yautja compatibility, only one hunter from his Clan had chosen such a union. He despised her, not because she was Human, but because of her relentless attempts to emulate Yautja ways. The sight of other females on Earth doing the same disgusted him. If compelled to mate outside his species, he vowed never to choose one of those who sought to imitate Yautja customs.

"Are you done with your reckon?" Kaail didn't had to look back to know his nephew had returned.

"Yes. I found some interesting game. Oomans version of bad bloods." Baa'kub kneeled down in respectful submission to his superior. "I believe they're leader would be a great trophy on my wall."

Kaail nodded approving the Youngblood choice. "You may start your..."

"BULLSHIT!" - The solemn moment was brutally interrupted by a female human entering the roof in the building next to them. "I am telling you Gerome, this whole Hunter hunt is the biggest bullshit in the known history!"

The laughter that followed belonged to a human male. "Oh come-on Taiga. Everyone and their mothers has a spot for those guys...!"

He sensed Baa'kub barely controlled anger, but he couldn't care less, he was transfixed in the mesmerizing female.

"I am not saying that I don't like them." The female answered while opening what he identified as a beer can. " It is just that... I don't know, this whole thing sounds like a gym scam to me."

"What are they talking about?" Baa'kub asked behind him. He shushed the Youngblood and focused on the human conversation.

" Oh for fuck sakes Taiga you don't have to go all conspiracy in this. " That male smelled weird. For a moment Kaail considered killing him, just for fun." Tell me girl, what if one of those Hunter's chooses you as a mate huh?"

The female laughed. The sound of it making weird things to Kaail body. "Not a fat chance my dear. For starts I am barely five feet tall and my most impressive achievement is getting out of my bed everyday." She took a sip of her drink before continuing "Also I am poor, I can't afford a gym membership and even if I could, I am a coward... And let's not forget the fact that those guys are definitely heavily packed. I would be dead in two minutes." Both yautja looked down at themselves for a second but quickly pretend nothing happened.

" Two minutes could be enough to cum if you know what to do..."

The small female face lighten up like a sun. "I don't want to fucking die on my first time!!"

"Oh yeah... There's it. Still keeping those juicy legs of yours closed. Honestly, I wonder if it is worth it." Kaail felt like he wasn't supposed to be listening, but curiosity got the best of him.

"When I find my one and open up my gates I will let you know if it was Worth the wait."

"It could be a Yautja though."  The male insisted and Kaail wondered why they were having such weird conversation.

"It could. But won't be. They enjoy Death by Snu-Snu and I am... Well... Just me."

Shaking off the lingering impact of their conversation, Kaail motioned to Baa'kub, silently urging him to follow. He needed to get away from her.

As they stealthily descended from the rooftop, the exchange had left an unexplained imprint on Kaail's mind. Vivid images of the diminutive female flashed through his thoughts, a surreal mental reel playing out.

Deep within, Kaail grappled with thoughts he would never voice aloud. At some point, he found himself glancing downward, an unspoken curiosity lingering—wondering if this seemingly petite female could take him in. His chest rumbled involuntary and he realized that he needed to know more about her. The hunter in him had found a new prey.

"We should go back and kill those two for mocking us." His nephew voice pulled him back from his guts.

"Easy pup. You have already found your targets." He put a hand on his nephew shoulder shaking it firmly. " Focus on the hunt Baa'kub."

The younger nodded firmly. But seemed distracted for a moment. " Master, what is a Snu-snu?"



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