A new night.

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Taiga wouldn't be able to tell how she managed to get ready for work. Her body was on autopilot. Although her brain was running a million miles per hour, and yet she couldn't properly focus on one single thought.
She found herself at Gerome's building, on her way to deliver Shagrat's letter. Taiga took a deep breath and allowed a smile on face. She would organize her brain latter, now she had a mission to accomplish.

"Hey girl..." Loue voice greeted her when the door opened before she had a chance to knock. " Take off you shoes, I just mopped the floor." Standing tall, he possesses a robust physique adorned with bulky muscles. Instead of traditional hair, his head boasts feathers in a captivating array of white, green, and blues. A striking feature on his Avieren arms is a line of feathers that intricately crisscrosses, creating the illusion of wings extending from his back. Across his body, multicolored birthmarks form mesmerizing swirls, contributing to his eerie, yet captivating beauty. His eyes, a striking reddish brown set within a black sclera, emanate a mysterious intensity. Thin, naturally black lips complete the unique and enigmatic appearance of his extraordinary species.

"I just came to deliver a letter for you." She said reaching on her backpack for the item and handing it to Loue, who regards her suspiciously.

"Who sends fucking letters nowadays..." He turned the envelope around, eyes zeroing on the wax seal. " Oh boy."

"I don't know what is inside. But I hope it is helpful." She offered to the now choked peacock.

" How..." He stopped mid-sentece when he looked over the content of the letter. A few of the feathers in his head standing up majestically.  Loue opened and closed his mouth a few times.

"I will head to the Den now. I am glad you enjoyed the letter."

A melodic chirp was the only warning Taiga received before being pulled to a bone crushing hug.

" I don't know how you did it..." The Avieren spoke between kisses on the human head and cheek " But thank you ... " More happy chirps. Loue feathers were all standing up now." And tell that brute that I owe him a big one!"

Taiga's laughs echoed in the building hallway, her heart full of warmth and her feet dangling awkwardly while loue showered her with his gratitude. "You gonna mess my makeup you silly bird!"

She left the building felling recharged. Loue had this power to lift up her spirit and even if she had to redo her makeup and hair, it was totally worth it.

She was still smiling when her bus came, she struggled to fit in the crowded space. It was funny how it didn't matter how many advancements humanity achieved, hush hour's and packed public transportation seemed to a constant. Yet, for once she didn't mind it. The noise and constant push and shoves kept her brain from thinking to much.

Upon reaching The Den, she took a moment to refine her makeup and hair. Opting for a cute look, she fashioned her hair into a playful double bun, perched high on her head like makeshift round ears. A final appraisal in the mirror revealed her efforts. However, despite the effort to exude charm, Taiga couldn't escape the telltale signs of fatigue creeping into her dulling eyes. As she gazed at herself, even with the artful application of makeup, the weariness was evident, prompting the realization that she desperately needed to carve out some time for a proper rest.

Her tables were almost full tonight. Taiga barely had time to catch a breath. Going from and to with heavy trays and pompous drinks she danced in the saloon with master skillfulness. But as the night stretched on, her body was starting to show signs of her tiredness.

"Taiga!" Derrick caught the girl's attention. When she approached, He gave her a hard look. " You are not okay."

" I am fine Derrick. Just a little tired." She downplayed her situation.

"Ask Ian to help you with the heavy lifting."

As Taiga prepared to voice her argument, he abruptly turned away, abruptly halting the conversation. She drew in a deep, defeated breath, feeling a wave of desolation wash over her. For a moment, the room seemed to blur and spin, but she quickly regained her composure. It was clear that she needed assistance tonight, more than ever before.

Making the proper arrangements with Ian wasn't difficult. He would help her to serve the food and large drinks on her section and she would make sure his tables weren't left unattended.

As Taiga reached the halfway mark of her second energy drink, a sudden, deafening silence engulfed The Den. Startled, she swiveled around just in time to witness Sara seating two Yautjas at her section. They were back! For the first time tonight, a genuine smile lit up her face. She eagerly anticipated the chance to gaze into his captivating eyes once more. She chugged down the rest of her drink and made a bee line to table twenty one.

"Welcome back to The Den!" She barely could contain her excitement.


Small chapter, I know.... Buuut I am totally back to my normal writing schedule. 🥰🥰

As always

Vote, comment and enjoy!!

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