Blood Family

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Doctor Who everyone. With a little BB, but you'll see.

I was trying to figure out what the main monster should be and then I read some of CourtesyTrefflin 's vampire stuff! So thanks for the inspiration!

Now, this takes place after the 'Vampires of Venice', so The Doctor's already met the Saturnyn once before.

Requested by JazzJambos

TW: Vampires, mentions of blood. Lemmie know if I missed any.


The Laboratory on Bella Road in New York was quiet. It was quiet little area. Josey and Rosey were both closing up the lab for the day. One of the projects they had been working on was a creature that could turn into someone's favourite character, but little did they know that they were making a terrible mistake.

Rosey heard footsteps. She turned around and pointed her torch in the direction of the noise.

Out came 6 creatures that had taken the forms of 6 of her favourite characters from the one show, The Bad Batch.

"How did you get out? JOSEY?!" Rosey called.

The creatures lunged at her, opening their mouths to reveal sharp fangs and she screamed, breaking into a run. She got to an alarm that was mounted on the wall. She smashed the glass that covered it as the creatures got closer and closer. She screamed as one pounced on her and bit her. She desperately reached for the alarm, but her hand never made it...


Doctor Who: Blood Family

12th Doctor and Clara Oswin Oswald


"So...where to now?" Clara asked, running to the consol of the TARDIS.

"New York!" The Doctor said. "But in the future. 2077 to be exact!"

"Cool!" Clara said as the TARDIS materialised. She ran outside, expecting the busy streets of New York to welcome her, but it was oddly silent. "Okay...what, are they going through a Global Pandemic or something?"

"Nah. COVID was ages ago," The Doctor said.

"COVID?" Clara asked.

"Yeah. 2020 was such a fun year...not..." the Doctor said. "For you guys at least."

They spotted a family walking down the street. The Doctor called out to them and they stopped, turning around to look at him. One was tall and had a tattoo of a skull on his face, one was big and buff, one was lanky and had goggles, the next one was also lanky and had a crosshair tattoo around his eye, one had metal limbs and the last one was a young girl.

"Excuse me, but um...what happened here?" Clara asked, looking at the family.

They looked at her, seemingly questioning whether they should answer. Finally, the on with the face tattoo spoke.

"Haven't you heard? There was a breakout of a lab on Bella Road. The whole City's on lockdown 'til UNIT catches the creatures."

"UNIT's still around then," The Doctor said. "But why are you out of your home?"

"People need to get food," the young girl said.

With that, the family walked off, holding umbrellas to shield themselves from the sun.

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