Welcome to Heaven

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Any man can overcome adversity. If you truly want to test a man's character, give him power.― Abraham Lincoln

Y/N stands in the room next to Vaggie, which is sitting on the bed. The 2 were watching as Charlie scrambles around. She was packing a little too much for this day trip to Heaven. Y/N is enjoying this because it's funny seeing that Charlie was so excited. Y/N found it cute. Vaggie was slightly more annoyed because it's Vaggie, she usually does. Y/N noticed the scared look on Vaggie's face but didn't want to point it out.

Charlie was pointing out the stuff she has, "Okay. I have my warm weather clothes and my cold weather clothes. I have a light jacket, flak jacket, and a rain jacket. Wait, Does it rain in Heaven?"

"Charlie," Vaggie started, she was smiling at her girlfriend, "You're only going to Heaven for a few hours."

"And I'm sure you won't need the flak jacket," Y/N chuckled.

"We are only going to Heaven for a day, and I just want to be prepared." Charlie reasoned, "It's our last chance to convince Heaven a soul can be redeemed."

"Yeah, I wish I could come, sweetie, but I have that thing," Vaggie tried backing out.

"Oh really, what kind of thing?" Y/N asked with a smug smile.

"A... really... important thing," Vaggie continued to try.

"Sounds like- OW," He was interrupted by Vaggie punching him.

"I'm such a bad liar," Vaggie muttered.

Charlie walked up to Vaggie, "Vaggie, you're my partner. I need you there with me."

Vaggie looked at Y/N then back to Charlie. Y/N is going because he is her bodyguard, he is just protecting her. Charlie is wanting her to go, not as a protector, but rather as a partner like she said. This is what Vaggie has to think about.

"Fine," Vaggie sighed.

Charlie raised her hands in excitement, "YES!" Charlie kissed Vaggie's cheek.

Y/N smiled and shook his head. Y/N opened the door for the 2 girls. They both seemed to have a smile on their faces. Y/N followed them and closed the door behind him. The 3 went down the hall and got to the main room. Angel looked exhausted and went to the couch. Before anyone could get another word in, the blackjack wall exploded.

"Can we leave the fucking wall alone?" Y/N asked, annoyed, getting ready for whatever it is.

"WHAT UP, HOES!" Cherri said from the other side and started laughing.

Y/N dropped his defenses as Angel sat up, "Ho-holy shit, Cherri Bomb? Long time no see, baby!"

Cherri jumped into the hotel, "Angie, ya bitch. You been texting me depressing shit all day, figured we could tear shit up like old time. It's been fucking' forever. Here hold this." She tossed a bomb into Charlie's hands.

Charlie started tossing it back and forth before Y/N grabbed it and threw it out of the hole Cherri made. Y/N turned back to the 2 best friends.

"Good to see ya Cherri, but i'm too tired. I need to pass out." Angel falls onto the couch

Cherri caught him before he landed, "Oho, you can sleep when you're double dead, fuckhead!"

"The man just wants to lay down," Y/N tried reasoning.

"Oi, bugbod, leave me alone, I am trying to hang with my best friend," Cherri insulted.

"He needs a responsible night on the town," Charlie said with her usual happiness. "That is a great idea. Hi, Charlie. That is my wall that you just blew up. It's so nice to meet one of Angel's friends."

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