Miss Mayday

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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.― Robert Brault

Y/N woke up feeling a small bit exhausted, sleeping is a struggle. He feels a weight on top of him. It wasn’t heavy, it was just all over him. Y/N looked down and saw Verosika comfortably sleeping on top of him. She looked peaceful. Y/N remembers back to last night. Last night wasn’t intense but damn was it good. Succubi are good at what they do.

Y/N smiles to himself and accepts this. Why wouldn’t he? Verosika looked so comfortable. As he looked at her, she started moving a small bit. She slowly pushed herself off him and looked up to him. She looked happy. She moved up a bit and laid back down on top of him but hugged him this time, her head on his shoulder.

“Thank you for still being here…” She says very sleepily.

Y/N was surprised by this, “Of course.” He responds, he hugs her in return.

“I don’t want to move…”

“We don't have to.”

Y/N runs his hand up and down her back as a gesture to reassure her. He just rests his head back down onto the pillow. This is delightful. He doesn’t have to sneak off to get back home. He doesn't have to worry about going anywhere. He finally gets to enjoy this. He slowly starts to fall back asleep.

Minutes turn to hours. Time goes by and they stay there. It's about afternoon when they actually wake up. It was the most sleep Y/N has gotten since he got here in Hell.

Verosika pushes herself off Y/N , “We need to get up.” She sits on the bedside.

Y/N sits next to her, “So what's on the agenda today?”

“I gotta go to the human world,” She starts putting underwear on.

Y/N does the same, “Oh really? Sounds like fun.”

“I just put on a concert and my people do the rest,” She stands up.

“How do you go unnoticed?” Y/N asked, curious.

“Well, we have human disguises.” She informed him.

“Those exist???” Y/N was baffled.

Verosika giggles a small bit, “Yes, they do. Maybe you should come with me,” She holds his chin.

“Sounds like fun.”

“We’ll need to get you one,” She says.

“Would it be what I looked like when I was human?” Y/N asked.


Y/N gets up and looks down at himself. He tried to remember what he looked like when he was human. He saw a yellow light go over his body and completely cover himself. Y/N blinked and he looked human again. Y/N almost didn’t recognize the way he looked. Even his jacket changed into the one he had in his life. His skin not being as white as white paint was different. 

Y/N looked up and made eye contact with Verosika. He smiled awkwardly while Verosika looked him up and down. Y/N ’s button up was replaced with a plain black T, his jacket just a normal jacket with a logo on the back. The black pants are just black cargo pants. His hair is now just black instead of blonde like he had for the past 7 months. 

“You look completely unrecognizable,” Verosika commented.

Y/N still can’t get over his human self, “Yeah. I do.”

Y/N then looked down at his leg that was the one he lost before he died. He leaned down and grabbed the pant leg and lifted it up. He saw the VoxTec leg support around the leg. It looked normal too.

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