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Love surfeits not, Lust like a glutton dies; Love is all truth, Lust full of forged lies. ―William Shakespeare (This fucking guy ruined English classes in High School)

How about a shot of poison?

“Sounds like they are packed in there,” Y/N says, fixing his button up shirt.

“Good, it’s about time this show starts.” Verosika adjusts her top, “Come on, let’s go get some drinks.”

Y/N gets up, “Sounds good.”

No? It was a rhetorical question anyway

Y/N follows Verosika out of the backstage area and into the main area. Demons at every table. Imp couples are a popular thing for this place. Y/N also saw an Imp on a date with… Stolas was his name? Lucifer told him about Stolas a long time ago. Y/N stopped at the bar with Verosika and ordered some drinks.

Unfortunately for you, you already poisoned yourself.

“So what happened to going to the human world?” Y/N teased her a bit.

“I may have gotten too comfortable hanging with you.” Verosika giggled.

Y/N sat directly next to her, “Is this how Ozzie’s is?”

“Well, I am not here very much anymore because of my job and being a famous popstar,” Verosika took a sip.

“Always good to go back to your roots,” Y/N smiled at her.

As they walk, Y/N trips over a small demon. Y/N looked down at the demon he knocked over and saw a small creature. They looked like a weird cat looking thing with strange blue horns. They were dressed up in a purple and dark blue suit. 

“Ow,” The cat thing says.

Y/N kneels down and picks them up and stands them up again, “You alright.”

It blinked a few times while staring at Y/N, “Oh my swirls, you’re so tall.”

Y/N chuckled as Verosika spoke up, “I’m surprised you're still here, Parnel.”

“Not like I have a choice,” Parnel says.

Y/N pats their head, “I’ve never seen a demon like you before.”

“A very remote race of demon.” Verosika informs him

“How old are you?” Y/N asks Parnel.

“Old enough,” Parnel answers, “I like your coat mister.”

“I get that a lot,” Y/N smiles at Parnel like someone would a small child, very comforting and reassuring.

“Come on Y/N, let Parnel do their job.” Verosika smiles at Y/N.

He stands up and turns to Verosika, “Yeah, I guess you're right.”

Verosika pulled him away to the bar. There were a lot of different versions of alcohol. Verosika went for the usual succubus drink while Y/N picked their heaviest.

Why are you doing this to yourself? You don’t need it unless you want to forget how much you poisoned yourself

Y/N smiled at Verosika and took a sip. It didn’t taste good. It actually tasted horrible but that's what he gets for picking the strongest drink. Y/N almost gagged which made Verosika giggle. 

Y/N put the rest of the drink down and vowed to never drink that garbage ever again. Y/N remembered that his bartending friend wants their best stuff. Y/N once again asks for alcohol but their good stuff this time. Y/N turned around and leaned against the bar to wait and saw something.

Lucifers Chosen One - Hazbin Hotel x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now