Hello Rosie!

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He who does not punish evil commands it to be done.― Leonardo da Vinci

Y/N was looking out to the city. He was in Charlie's room, looking out the window. Charlie was behind him in a mess. She was wrapped up in her blankets while crying. Razzle and Dazzle were trying to comfort her. Y/N was just speechless. He has been since they returned. He appears to be scheming. Any weapon he wants, even angelic but no. Y/N wants to go "organic". Y/N looks at his bare hands. The extermination is in a month.

Y/N looked into the window and saw his reflection. It was his inner voice but it was also silent. Y/N shook his head, he doesn't need his inner demon. He needed THE demon. Y/N watched as his reflection got distorted. The pearly white eyeballs with red pupils disappeared. His eyes go completely black, leaking too. His mouth also just turns completely black. He wasn't smiling but the demon had a big smile. His teeth and mouth were black as void. The evil smile is also leaking black. His horns moved to the front of his head and stuck up. Around the blackness seems to be similar to static. Blue and Red static around the blackness of his face.

Y/N blinked and it was gone. No spoilers afterall. Y/N took a deep breath and looked at Charlie behind him. He doesn't know how to help her, he never really had someone in his lifetime. She is a mess. Charlie made eye contact with him. She didn't stop crying.

"W-why are you still here,"She asked him, through her tears.

"It's my job, as a soldier and as your friend," Y/N said, "Here as your protector and as your best friend. My life is in your hands."

Charlie went back to crying and Y/N couldn't blame her. He looked back out the window. Y/N looked at his hand and J's soul appeared in his hand. He stared at it before making it disappear. This may be Y/N's final stand, and he might be on his own. He took a deep breath and watched the city. Something tells him that he will survive. He listens to Charlie's soft crying. Y/N hears something behind him and he sees Alastor materialize.

"Oh, Charlie, you look an absolute mess," Alastor said.

Charlie groans, "Ugh, go away, Alastor"

"This better be good," Y/N said, turning around to Alastor.

"Now, now, is this any way to act after picking a fight with all of Heaven and dooming everyone you love?" Alastor sat on Charlie's bed.

Charlie was irritated, "I have enough on my mind without hearing your sadistic idea of a joke, asshole." She turns away from them and Alastor materializes on that side of Charlie.

"Who's joking?" Alator said abruptly, scaring Carlie out of her bed and onto the floor, "You have a captive audience downstairs waiting to see what kind of inspiring performance you have planned next."

Charlie groans, "Ugh, I can't. How can I face them after failing them all so hard?" Alastor moved around on the bed, now laying facing her while kicking his feet back and forth, "hey came here to be saved and all i gave them was more pain." Y/N steps closer, "I'm just as bad as the cruelest Overlord in Hell."

Y/N crouched down to her level and put his hand on her shoulder, "You gave them inspiration to be better."

"I never expected to see such a miserable display..." Alasto said from the bed, Charlie stood up, "... of self-loathing from you."

"Oh, fuck you, Alastor," Charle yelled, "All you do is stand there, smiling while you watch us struggle and fail. I don't know how you can enjoy all this suffering so much."

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