The Only Thing Needed is Time

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There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it.

― Buddha

It was bright and early, for hell's standards anyway. Y/N gets up and throws some clothes on. Y/N then hums to himself as he reaches for his red vest… it’s not there. Y/N looks around his room before yelling.

“WHERE THE FUCK IS MY VEST!?” Y/N yelled, he was guessing who took it.

Y/N grabs the blue button up shirt he got from Heaven and puts it on. Afterwards, he grumbles as he finishes buttoning his shirt and makes his way out of his room to the lobby area of the Hotel. Y/N looks and sees Azura and Charlie talking… Azura has his red vest.

“YOU!” Y/N stepped closer to the 2.

“Hey Y/N,” Azura said with an evil smile.


“I don't want to.” She crosses her arms.

Y/Ns eye twitched, “I SAID, GIVE. IT. BACK.!”

“And I said I don't want to, this is mine now.”

Y/N was ready to attack but Charlie came around and stopped him, “It’s just a vest Y/N.”

“She took it!” Y/N argued.

“It’s all you wear, it won’t kill you to try on something else.”

Y/N stares at Charlie, then looks at Azura, “Fine.” Y/N swiped the air and his jacket materialized.

“Hey! Not fair!” Azura yelled at Y/N.

Y/N glared at her, “You’re never getting my jacket.” Y/N sees J stick his head out from around the corner, “Not you buddy.”

J shrugs and goes back around the corner. Y/N finishes putting on his trench coat and walks past Azura and Charlie. He goes to the bar and doesn’t say a word before Husk grabs a glass. Y/N sighs and pulls out his phone.

He didn’t have a message from Velvette. Not a message from anyone this morning. Eh, it happens. Y/N grabbed the drink that Husk just gave him and drinks. Y/N turned to talk to Husk.

“How are you doing, buddy?” Y/N asks nicely.

“As fine as you can be under someone else's control.” He responds.

“Wow, you aren’t mad I called you ‘buddy’” Y/N teased.

“You’re not that bad of a guy,” Husk rolls his eyes, “You seem to calm down quickly.”

“Meh, I needed to get rid of that vest anyway,” Y/N took a drink, “Too many people have been calling me Lucifer in the streets.”

“You want to be your own guy, at least you have the opportunity,” Husk mutters the last part.

Y/N signals for another drink, “I guess that’s why I am going down to the other Rings of Hell.”

Husk has a small smile, “Get me some of the good stuff, will yah?”

“You got it Husk,” Y/N nods at his friend.

Y/Ns phone goes off. He looked down at his phone and saw he got a message from Verosika. It was asking for his decision. Y/N thinks for a moment before getting a message from someone else. Velvette.

‘Y/N. We need to talk.’ Is all the message said. Y/N sighed. He stands up and opens a portal to the Vees tower. Specifically Velvette’s room. Velvette appeared to be waiting for him. She smiled at him a little awkwardly. She was sitting on her bed.

“I still love your entrance.” She said, in her usual cocky way.

“Thank you,” Y/N sits down next to her.

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