Happy Velvettines Day

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If there's something wrong, those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action. ― Thomas Jefferson

Y/N was texting Velvette as he did just about every morning. He wasn’t the only one in his room. J was sitting in a chair, watching TV on his phone. They were just chillin. It was a decent morning. J was given the task of helping around the Hotel when he wasn’t around. J was just doing whatever. Y/N was texting Velvette about nonsense like making fun of a random Overlord.

Y/N stopped and looked at the door when there was a knock. J got up to answer the door. The room was clean. It is kinda J’s duty to keep the room clean. J opened the door.

“Hey, Jacket,” The voice of Charlie is heard, “Is Y/N here?” J moved to reveal Y/N laying on his bed, “Could we get some privacy?”

J let her in and walked out of the room. Doing whatever he does. Charlie closed the door behind J. She entered the room and sat in a chair. Y/N sat up from the laying position and sat on the edge of his bed.

“What’s up, Charlie?” Y/N asked, he stretched.

Charlie had her usual smile, “Oh nothing much. Hotel is doing fine, thankfully.”

“That’s good… So, what can I do for you?”

“Well, as you know, your relationship with Velvette got leaked.”

Y/N groans, “Yeah.”

“My dad actually told me you both had an awkward encounter in the lobby when you got home the other night.”

“... Yeah. it very much was.”

“I want to make sure you are doing fine.” Charlie was still smiling.

“I am doing fine, Charlie.”

“Anything on your mind?”

“Well… I was afraid a month into the relationship. I talked to Rosie about it actually. She was very sweet about it. I guess I am now just afraid of the publicity.”

“You don’t like the attention?”

“Of course not. Keeping it private was great because no one knew about it. Vox, Valentino, any of you. None of you knew but now the entirety of Hell knows about it. Valentino and Vox ain’t exactly the best gentlemen to know. They know my connections to Alastor and now we can’t really meet up without them trying shit.”

Charlie put her hand on Y/N’s shoulder, “It’ll be okay Y/N, it’ll blow over soon enough. You don't have much to worry about.”

“Catching Valentino and his crew trying to record us fucking is annoying. He just wants the money it can make.”

Charlie takes a minute to process, “I’m sure everything will be fine, just give it time.”

“Thanks Charlie.”

“Come on, let’s go do something.” Charlie stood up with her hands on her hips.

“Really, what are we going to do?” Y/N stands up.

“You have missed all of our exercises. Now we haven’t really done it for a while but I feel we could all do something fun.” She started walking.

“And what could that be?” Y/N asked, he was smiling.

“2 truths and 1 lie.” She said.

“Oh dear god,” Y/N says, following her into the elevator, “I got a-” Charlie raised a fist to punch him, “-good feeling about this?”

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