Word on the Inside

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To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them.

― Charles de Montesquieu

Y/N was strolling through Hell. He was walking through a less chaotic part of Pride. It was a decent day by Hell’s standards. He was whistling to himself as he went along. He had his black trench coat and red shirt on. He was in a good mood. That was until…

“LET GO OF ME!” A feminine voice said.

Something inside of Y/N snapped. He follows the voice with haste. His demon face tries to come out but he doesn’t let it. He walked aggressively until he heard a smack. He stopped in his tracks and looked to his right. In the alleyway was a male Sinner standing in front of a female Sinner on the ground. Y/N extended his scythe and sliced the Sinner in half. Perfect cut.

The halves of the demon fall. Y/N offers the female Sinner a hand. She accepts it and hugs him tightly. The female had blue skin, red hair, a red x on her head, she was scaly, she had a crop top, she also was wearing shorts. She had a scaly tail too. She started crying slightly into his jacket. Y/N hugged her back and was telling her that it’ll be okay. Y/N has had to deal with his fair share of people creeping on his sister. Before Y/N could say anything else, the female pulled herself away from Y/N.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hug you,” She said.

“It’s fine, trust me,” Y/N tried reassuring her.

“Please, let me make it up to you, in some way,” She begged.

“No, you don’t need to,” Y/N once again reassured her.

“No, I insist. You seem like an Overlord type, do you want my soul?” She offered.

“You-” Y/N got cut off.

“Take my soul, I owe you my life.” She took his hand.

Y/N sighs, “Okay, fine. What’s your name?”

“Azura,” She smiled at him.

“I’m Y/N Magne, and I am your new owner,” A gold light developed the 2. It circled them, then covered them. Within a blink of an eye, Y/N pulled his hand away and in his hand was a glowing golden orb.

“Is that?” Azura started.

“This is your soul, every overlord does this differently. I chose to do it this way because it's’ ‘Flashy’. I am the Chosen One of Hell, you are in good hands.”

Azura watched as her soul vanished, “Now what?”

“I can summon you whenever I want to.”

“Hmm, can I stay with you?”

“Yes, you can.

“Oooo, I want to do that.”

Y/N chuckled, “I guess we should get you to the hotel then.” 

Y/N turned to walk to the hotel, Azura quickly caught up to him, “What’s this hotel about?”

“You never heard of the Hazbin Hotel?” Y/N asked.

“OHHHHH… I didn’t know that was the hotel you're from.”

“You really never heard of me? I was all over last week for being in a sex tape.”

“Hmm. Nope. I have been pretty much under a rock since I got here.”

Y/N was surprised, “What do you know?”

Azura thinks for a minute, “Well, what I hear people talk about. Like: The Radio Demon return, the Hazbin Hotel is stupid, The Hazbin Hotel also stopped the extermination, Voxtec is cool, Lilith has been gone for 7 years, Carmine weap-”

Lucifers Chosen One - Hazbin Hotel x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now