WHAT IF... Y/N Joined Heaven Part 2

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God answers all prayers, but sometimes his answer is 'no'. ― Dan Brown

"Yeah, don't worry about me," Y/N said, putting on his new jacket with purple instead of gold..

"I mean you used to live there," Lute said from behind.

"They kept their thumb on me, restrained me from my potential for too long," Y/N said.

"I mean you were their friend," Lute said.

"... I know...," Y/N got out.

Lute patted his shoulder, "I didn't actually expect you to actually join us."

"I don't know why but I feel like I have to do this," Y/N walked away from the mirror.

"Come on, Adam has something for you" She says, opening the door.

"I am not the most willing to be someone else's order," Y/N says as he exits.

"I think you might like it," Lute told him.

Lute and Y/N were walking through the hallway. He is ready for this, or so he thinks. Afterall, he will be killing ihs friends that he had for first 4 months since his passing.

Lute did train with Y/N what they know and he showed her what he knows. They both learned quickly. The combination of his U.S. military training and the exorcist training from Lute. He took a deep breath.

A few exorcists were in the room the pair entered. They were in a line on either side of the grand walk way. Y/N saw Adam waiting at the end of the walkway.

"What's going on?" Y/N asked.

There was no response. Y/N rolled his eyes and walked through. This appears to be some kind of ceremony for him. He was never big on the ceremonies in his life. He walked up to Adam and stood before him.

"Ladies, this is Y/N Magne, a man screwed over by Lucifer himself. This man should've been up here with us 6 months ago but Lucifer had a hold of his soul. He wants to help us, he wants revenge for taking his perfect afterlife away," Adam turns to face Y/N, "Y/N Magne, I offer you a place in the ranks no one else has ever had."

Adam grabbed a mask piece and offered it to him. (DRAWING COMING SOON). The mask piece was one that looked like a skull. The frontal face missing the jaw. It was just the front of the skull. Y/N accepted Adam's offer and held the mask. Adam also handed him an exterminator mask. Y/N put on the mask then placed the frontal skull piece over it.

"One of us now," Adam smiled.

Y/N liked the mask. Sense of power he felt. The only thing that would make it look like he was one of them was the exterminator mask under the skull piece.

"And we have this for you." Adam said, offering Y/N a scythe, "It will obey you."

Y/N takes the scythe and holds it in his hand, "This is a good weapon."

"You will join us in our extermination of that stupid Hotel of the delusional daughter of Lucifer." Adam said.

Y/N looked down for a second before looking at Adam, "We shall exterminate the unholy demons of hell."


Y/N was training with the new weapon of his. Adam was right, it did everything he needed it to. He didn't even need to hold it, it's like he is connected to the blade. This blade requires concentration and intelligence. He was training hard.

He spun the blade and made it go in front of him. He wasn't holding it and it acted like a shield, it was spinning so fast. He grabbed it and it stopped immediately. He only had a small time to train. He leaped up into the air and slammed back down with the blade going through the dummy.

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