Oh Sweet Velvette Flavor

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She was a gift he hadn't let himself ask for. But God was good and provided what he needed.”― Terri Blackstock,

Y/N woke up after a good sleep. He sat on his bed and stretched. He then stood up, waiting for pain but it didn’t come. He looked at his leg and remembered he got it cybernetically enhanced. Velvette insisted after what happened with Adam. He smiles and makes his cane disappear. Y/N grabs a snack and leaves his room. He has a big room, the top center of the Hotel.

Y/N entered the elevator and listened to the music. Happy Day in Hell indeed. He took a deep breath and exited the elevator when it reached the bottom. He walked next to the Pentious memorial and paid respects. He dropped a Jasmine Dragon flower. His favorite flower. Y/N saw Vaggie and Charlie in the lobby; they were looking at Charlie’s phone.

“Ladies,” Y/N smiled at them before going to the bar, “Heya Husk.”

“Want your usual?” He asks.

“Of course, what else,” Y/N laughs.

“You know,” Husk starts making the drink, “Never thought I’d see so much of you before in my life.”

“What are you talking about? I’m not dying anytime soon.”

“So you really aren’t aware? Heh,” Husk chuckled and passed Y/N his drink.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Y/N started to drink.

“Y/N!” Charlie yelled, approaching, Y/N turned around while still drinking, “What’s this?”

Y/N spits out his drink. Charlie showed him a video. The video had Y/N and Velvette having sex. Y/N has no idea how to react. He was caught. Y/N and Velvett were completely nude in the video but it was just their heads but it was obvious. Both shirtless with some “fluid” movement. 

“Uhhhh, about that,” Y/N nervously chuckled.

“You fucked one of the Vees?” Charlie asked, in shock.

“He did what now?” Angel asked, joining everyone. Charlie showed Angel the video. His face went from curious to shocked, to smiling, “Well I’ll be damned. Mr Bigshot.”

“I can explain,” Y/N said.

“Explain? How do you explain this?” Vaggie asked.

“Well…” Y/N started.

“How long you been hittin’ that?” Husk said, offering Y/N another drink.

Y/N quickly downed the drink, “Well… We have been for a few months.”

“Wait, you datin’ one of them?” Angel pipes up.

“Yes, is that so hard to believe?” Y/N asked, defensively.

“Gotta say, I didn’t expect you to be open to dating,” Vaggie confessed.

Charlie has a realization, “Wait, is this your girlfriend you didn’t want me to know about?”

“Maybe?” Y/N raised his arms.

The elevator dings and out pops Lucifer, oh god no, “What’s going on down here?”

“Y/N has been messing around with another Overlord,” Charlie informed him.

“Oh…” Lucifer turns and heads for the kitchen.

“I don’t see why it’s such a big deal,” Y/N started, “So what if me and her have been dating for 3 months? We have been keeping it secret and we didn’t intend for that video to go public.”

“Why would you make a video?” Vaggie pressed.

“Well, funny thing about that… You see, we decided to record it once then send it to Valentino to piss him off a bit that he couldn’t get me in one of his movies.” Y/N felt the confused eyes on him, “It made more sense to us when we were drunk.”

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