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Unlike the beginning of October, the first day in Birmingham was not terrible. Beth decided to go and buy some bread, and take a walk around the neighbourhood by the fly. There was still plenty of mud on the streets and many puddles shining in the sun like melted gold. The air was cold and full of smoke coming from the factories, but somehow still had a fresh feeling of the morning to it. The streets were full of people who, just like Beth, were going to the market or a bakery that she had trouble finding.

Finally she found the right place. The bell above the door jingled when she stepped inside. Sweet, young girl with tired eyes stood behind the counter and smiled at her.
"Good morning" they both said, when Beth stepped closer. The bread was still warm.
"Have you heard what happened last night, miss?" the girl asked, counting the money that Beth gave her.
"No. What is it?"
"I heard that they arrested one of the men from the Peaky Blinders" the salesgirl leaned above the counter, her voice became a whisper. Her chocolate eyes had a sparkles of excitement in them, but she was also looking around nervously "We're living in a weird times, very weird. The police have never been so bold before. No one is going to benefit from that, no one" she shook her head, giving Beth a few coins back.
"Is it not good that the police are arresting criminals?" she suggested, not being sure what they are exactly talking about.
"Shh!" the sweet salesgirl looked around quickly "Those are not things you should say out loud. Ever" Her chocolate eyes lost their sparkles "Were you born yesterday?"
"I arrived yesterday. From London" Beth explained, also looking around, as if she expected something to be there. The girl nodded in understanding.
"It is not a town for London girls. Remember, don't talk badly about the Peaky Blinders. In your case it is better not to talk at all" her voice was serious. She took a breath to say something more, but someone called her name from the other room "Have a good day" she smiled cutely, disappearing behind the door.
Walking back home, Beth noticed that people are in fact tense. She passed by a few policemen. She would never have noticed that, but the salesgirl's words were still on her mind. When a few weeks ago, in front of her old London apartament, Beth told John that she is moving to Birmingham, he wrote down his address for her, saying "I'll be finally able to say that I am visited by some pretty girls". She looked at the clock. It was not even noon yet. If she was in London, she would go to the theatre, there was always something to do, some crisis to take care of... She couldn't do that now, so she decided to eat some small breakfast and find the address John shared with her. It would be nice to see a familiar face.

Nothing is, but what is not // John ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now