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John leaned against the brick wall of the tenement, waiting for Beth to finally show up. He came too early, and no he was watching people on the street, who were giving him worried looks. He smirked. They really believed that he could do anything he wanted. At least, they would never try to take this right from him. Maybe his bloody brother actually knew what he was doing.

"I didn't expect to see you this early" he heard the door creaking, when Beth left the building. It was interesting to see her in something that wasn't a wrinkled shirt and a skirt covered in torn threads for change.

"And I didn't expect to see you in decent clothes. You say you live by sewing, but no one would guess that just by looking at you" John smiled and pointed at a car that was parked a few metres away. Beth's lips covered in red lipstick parted slightly. Only once in her life she had a chance to be in a car.

She looked excited, when she sat on the front seat next to John, who looked at her warm cheeks with satisfaction.

"Today you deserve a free drink, that's for sure" he said, when her smiling eyes lied on him. He started the car.

"You say that I didn't deserve the previous ones?" Beth crossed her arms, pretending to be offended.

"Oh, of course you did" John rolled his eyes. He thought about the night they met, he didn't remember most of it. He approached her just because she was there. And the second time... Well, he was almost sure that her beauty had nothing to do with the price of her favourite Gin Fizz.

The day was really nice, perfect for the races. Subtle wind, the sun covered by clouds from time to time, and a crowd of people, occupied by champagne, dances and gossip. All of that was more important than the horses.

"Don't get lost" John warned her, while they weaved between the people to get to the bar. He slowed down to take Beth by her wrist, not wanting her to stay behind. The voices, laughs and clinking of glasses could be quite overwhelming. Finally they reached the long counter, many glasses hung above it, the wall behind the barmen full of different kinds of alcohol.

"Gin Fizz?" asked John, taking a few banknotes out of his pocket, ordering a glass of whiskey for himself.

"Martini" Beth leaned against the counter on her elbows, telling the barman her today's whim. John rolled his eyes, the subtle smirk still dancing on his lips. After a few minutes they got their orders, and went to look for a free table. Finally John found them a spot, he pulled out the chair for Beth, letting her have a view on the races, while the only thing he could look at was her excited sparkles in her eyes, and also the crowd of people moving behind her.

At some point, when Beth was just telling him a story of one of the plays she worked for, John straightened up, quickly finished his whiskey, and stood up.

"I'll order another one" he said, giving her a quick glimpse, but his eyes were already focused on something he noticed in the crowd "Do you want me to bring you something, sweetheart?" asking that he was already walking away from the table.

"No, thank you. John–" Beth turned around to see what was the real reason for him to walk away so suddenly, but the sea of people covered him quickly, so she couldn't find him anymore.

Nothing is, but what is not // John ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now