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Beth's apartment was as always in this hard to describe temperature. It was heavy and cold, but not cold enough to shiver. You could still tell that there was fire in the fireplace in the morning. John took off his coat, and just after he took off his hat as well, Beth was already preparing her needles and threads on the kitchen table. He handed her the coat, her fingers found the ripped part.

John lit the fireplace and then sat down at one of the chairs, watching as the girl was frowning, fully focused on stitching everything neatly, and not poking herself with the needle during that process.

First snowflakes this year started to hit the window glass. They were fragile, shy, they melted almost instantly. Seeing that, Beth smiled to herself. It was late, her eyes were about to close against her will, but the snow, as well as the thought of coming holidays, made her a little more awake. She was very pleased with the thought of a few days which she would use to rest. Beth would lie, if she said she hated her job. She loved theatre, and creating new costume designs, but her body begged her for a proper dinner and some sleep.

"I am going to Leeds in two weeks" the girl informed, her eyes still focused on the needle between her fingers "Nothing like Christmas with family, am I right?" She muttered sarcastically.

"Exactly." John shook his head. A sigh mixed with laughter left his mouth "If Ada and Freddie show up, it's going to be an interesting spectacle" he ran his fingers through his short hair, fixing what the cap he wore destroyed "Arthur will get drunk. Tommy will talk about nothing else than money, and Polly will just keep telling me what an awful role model I am for kids. My own, bloody kids. As if it was her business."

"At least no one is going to keep telling you how you destroyed your life by choosing your dreams" Beth joined John in complaining, cutting the extra thread that was left, and handing the man the fixed coat.

"Are you going to Leeds for the whole holiday?"

"I will be back at night on the twenty fifth." The girl answered, putting all her sewing tools back in a drawer "I have a lot of work to do..."

"I am not going to let you sew those bloody costumes on Christmas" there was a subtle smile playing on John's lips, but his voice was firm "It's not appropriate."

"Since when do the Church's guidelines mean anything to you?"

"Since I can use them to my advantage." He shrugged, winking at Beth. She only rolled her eyes, and decided to boil some water for tea "The dinner is at three" John added, wanting to make sure that it is obvious that the girl is invited.

December twenty sixth, melting snow mixed with mud was laying on both sides of the road. The sky was gray, covered with clouds, the sunlight was failing at the attempts to touch the earth. But even though the weather was quite awful, there were many people on the streets and they looked happy. It was a nice, yet short time of rest in their lives, which usually was full of dust and smoke from the factories.

Beth stopped in front of the wooden door and knocked a few times. She heard lively voices on the other side. The door opened, a young woman with bright eyes, but face full of disgust, stood in front of her. No matter what she was thinking, she smiled at Beth politely, and when she smiled back, the woman introduced herself as Ada Thorne.

"I still cannot believe that John found himself a normal girl." She said after exchanging some Christmas wishes. Ada let Beth in, and waited for her to take off her coat. In the house there was a warm smell of cigarettes in the air. A children's laughter was heard from the living room, but there was also a constant shouting of someone who tried to calm those children down. This person was John, who was visibly failing at being a father, who was expected to have everything under control. Somehow, as soon as the kids met Ada's glare, they went silent.

"Beth" John put his whiskey glass on the table, standing up to greet the girl who seemed a bit lost in the company of so many people unknown to her. He looked sharply at Arthur, who was ready to say some naughty comment.

"It's nice to see you again, honey" Polly, who suddenly appeared right next to Beth, gave her a glass of wine "You will need this." She whispered and wanted with amusement. Polly looked around and after she noticed her niece struggling to keep kids, who were not her own, calm, she sighed and put a cigarette in between her lips "John, take care of your children" she said, and John meekly joined his sister, which made Beth smile with amusement.

"This damn family" Polly laughed quietly, smoke leaving her lips "I hope you won't be terrified" She added, giving Beth a quick glimpse. The girl up the glass to her mouth, taking the first sip.

Nothing is, but what is not // John ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now