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In the second half of January Beth finally found enough time for John, who wanted to take her out for the evening for many days now. Sometimes he offered London, where he and Arthur liked to go to some bigger clubs or bars that were full of life and jazz music, which was not exactly what they had in Birmingham. Still, sometimes he was offering her a simple night at the Garrison, or just an afternoon in the country. But the girl never had time, busy with all her theatre responsibilities; there was always something to do. Until now. Well, it was mostly because of Maud, who stubbornly decided that Beth needs at least one day off. Did she really think that, or was this just caused by the fact that a Shelby was also a factor, was about to stay unknown.

That's why Beth was now sitting in a car with John who was driving, and Arthur who was sitting in the back, because in his opinion 'A pretty girl needs to have a better seat'. They were driving to London; Beth hadn't been in a while, because every time she walked on those streets, she couldn't help, but think about a job she lost.

They parked in front of one of the bigger bars.

"I heard they have probably the best Gin Fizz." said John, as Beth took his arm, walking towards the stairs.

"They surely have the best girls" added Arthur. Hearing that, John glared at him, but the older brother didn't seem bothered. Fortunately, Beth's only reaction was rolling her eyes.

Gin Fizz was in fact delicious. Was it the best in the city, though? Hard to tell, but it was for sure great. The proportions were great. It was not too sweet nor too strong. There was a delicate smell of tobacco in the air, a high voice of a singer was almost making it vibrate. Beth was sitting on an armchair, listening to the song, and watching as John and Arthur played pool, becoming more and more competitive with every minute. Finally John, who was losing for a few minutes now, turned his head to the girl.

"Do you want to try, sweetheart?" Beth approached him, taking a slow sip of her drink. She took the pool cue from the man, awkwardly trying to figure out how to properly hold it. In her life she only had one opportunity to play pool, but it was a night full of drunk people, who were just having fun. Seeing her unsure look, John chuckled under his breath, put his glass aside and stood behind her.

"Put one hand on the table" he instructed, and placed the cue in the right spot "Aim at the red one" the man pointed at the billiard ball. Beth leaned over the table, and John leaned above her. His hand brushed over her hand. His chest pressed against her back more than it was necessary. It was not necessary at all. As well as his hips which slightly, yet noticeably pressed her against the table. She felt his hot breath on her temple. A smirk appeared on his lips when he noticed the girl held back her breath.

The pool balls did not hit each other. John pulled back after a few seconds. The air stormed in between their bodies, leaving only an illusion of the touch. The girl exhaled noiselessly.

"It was not that bad, sweetheart" John winked at her, while Arthur was working on his next move.

"I didn't gain any points" she answered, looking at the billiard balls chaotically placed all over the green table, shining in the warm light "Also, I didn't do much of it—"

"Damn it, Beth. I am trying to be nice" the man cut her off half-sentence, looking at her, the corners of his lips twitched upward.

"Try harder, then, and say something that's true" the girl met his eyes, waiting for his response. John sighed extravagantly, taking a step closer towards her. Closer than any conversation required.

"I truly want to feel those pretty lips on mine once more" he muttered, looking deeply into her eyes, his thumb brushing against her bottom lip.

"I do not see a single rose anywhere" Beth chuckled, and the only sign that his words had any impact on her, were her slightly warmer cheeks, which were usually awfully pale. John also giggled, his hand kept wandering on the girl's face.

"I'll bring you a whole bloody bouquet" his lips already nicked hers, and before she could say anything, John silenced her with a quick kiss. He pulled back, exchanging glances.

"Arthur, I'm going with Beth to get some more drinks" his hand moved down her shoulder, finally taking her own hand. Without waiting for his brother's answer, John dragged the girl with him.

They scraped through the dancing crowd, man's fingers tightly holding Beth. He was not about to lose her here, in the middle of the room full of drunk men. Only when they found a gap in between people, he pulled her close to himself.

"You won't refuse a quick dance, will you?" John asked Beth who's lips parted slightly, surprised in this turn of events.

"I thought..." she hesitated. What had she thought? She was not expecting a dance, even though she was well aware John did not want another drink. Was she really expecting him to drag her to some corner where she would allow him to get under her skirt? She got rid of this thought "Are you leaving your brother?"

"Arthur is an adult. He'll be fine" John laughed, his grip on the girl's waist more confident. He was not the best dancer, but that did not mean he didn't have any idea of how to dance. He was a soldier after all, and soldiers were taking every chance for even the smallest entertainment. There could never be another chance. 

Nothing is, but what is not // John ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now