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Beth loved theatre, so it was no surprise that she fell in love with the Birmingham Repertory Theatre, even though it was not as gorgeous as the theatre in London. Maud prepared for her a nice room for work, from where Beth could hear the rehearsals, as she was busy sewing. It was what she loved the most. One of the days like that, when it was close to the evening, Maud slowly opened the door.

"Do you have a moment?" She asked, meeting Beth's grey eyes, when she raised her head from the embroidery she was making.

„Of course" the girl put the needle away, her fingers tired and numb. The stage manager sighed.

"Beth" her voice was energetic as always, but it was obvious that the reason for her to be here was more important than a silly conversation about weather „I know you are new here. But I also see that no one warned you, so I am the one to do it" Beth frowned. She was worried that despite her good intentions, she was doing something wrong.

"I noticed that you know the young Shelby" it was not what Beth expected to hear. She was also not sure why this would be important.

"I am not about to bring myself men to the theatre"

"Oh, Beth, it is not what I meant" Moud raised her hands in a defensive gesture „I do not care if you earn money the other ways. But yes, you shouldn't do that here."

"I am not!" the girl felt as her cheeks became red and heated. It was just one time. Moud shook her head.

"The Shelby family is not the nicest one" The stage manager started finally explaining what she had in mind.

"What does it mean?" Beth's eyes seemed to be disoriented, when she remembered that similar words were told to her before. The little girl, the one she was babysitting some time ago, told her that she is afraid of living next to the Shelbys. Was it more important than just the silly words of a silly child?

"Last month the oldest brother was arrested. They treated him like a dog to get some information out of him" Arthur. John only told Beth that his brother is ill because of the war, that's why he limped „In September they murdered someone in London. I don't know a lot. It is better not to know. Do not let them drag you into this." Maud put her hand on Beth's shoulder. She was clearly overwhelmed by what she just heard „Peaky Blinders only bring misfortune."

Peaky Blinders. The only thing Beth knew about them was that the people cursed them under their breath, looking around nervously. She never thought about it too much. She never thought she could be involved in any of that.

Slowly, everything started to get tied together. Those minor, but frequent cuts or bruises on John's face. The blood on his hands during the races. She shook her head, trying to silence the thoughts. Still, the countless questions which she didn't have answers to, were not willing to leave her mind. They were getting louder.

Beth tightened the coat around herself, because the wind, an early sign of the coming winter, was getting under her clothes, pinching her as some ice spikes. She opened the door to her flat. The warmth from the morning was still present. Beth started a fire in the kitchen, and sat down at the table, looking at the letters she left there in the morning. She never had time to read them right away. Now she looked through them. Mary wrote to her every week. The other latter was from the theatre where she could read about the details of returning the costumes for Makbet. The last one was from Leeds. Family.

Beth knew what the letter would be about: her failure in the theatre in London. She was right; her father wanted her to go back home, find a husband, or at least a „normal" job. Or both. But she couldn't give up. Not now, when Maud showed her that success is possible.

Nothing is, but what is not // John ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now