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The premiere of Macbeth was closer and closer. Beth was extremely glad this play was constantly coming back to her life, because when it came to her love for Shakespeare, she definitely loved the Scottish Play the most. Since dawn she was helping with the last little fixes on the costumes, and now she was powdering the face of one of the actors, who couldn't sit still on his chair. Beth took his chin, holding him in place.

"George, Macbeth sees ghosts on stage, so stop moving around as if you just saw one" she murmured, finishing the make-up in the next few minutes.

Finally it was time. It was probably still light outside, but Beth couldn't feel it. When she was in the theatre, she always felt as if it was already late and dark. She rolled up her sleeves, took a deep breath, and the curtain revealed the stage.

The applause the actors got made Beth burst with joy. She knew that the audience's love was not for her, but she always felt as if it was. She was aware of how important her role was. George, the actor who played Macbeth, hugged her tightly, handing her one of the roses he picked up from the stage.

"You deserve it" he said "Even though I had powder in my eyes for the entire play" he added, smiling, and he went to join Lady Macbeth, who was lively chatting with other actors.

Beth went to the hallway, where John was waiting for her. He promised her he would be there, but his presence still was like a surprise for her. After all, he hated every way of artistic expression.

"Did you like it?" she asked anyway, when they exchanged a quick kiss.

"It was a play" the man shrugged, and his eyes sparkled softly, seeing how Beth's cheeks go red with excitement.

"You should appreciate Shakespeare more" she lightly punched his chest "Because Macbeth is–"

"One of the best plays of the past few centuries, I know" John laughed, and Beth only rolled her eyes, pretending to be upset with him. She took his hand, and pulled him through the hallway crowd, trying not to bump into actors, and their lovers, as well as families.

"I need to grab some things, and we can go back home" Beth turned her head back to John, so he could hear her. She opened the door to the room that became her private workplace by now. The man followed her, closing the door, while the girl started putting some items in her leather bag. She muttered something about scissors under her breath, as she was struggling to find them under the pile of fabrics, and buttons, which were rolling onto the floor. This place definitely needed to be cleaned or at least a little bit more organised. Finally, when she got everything she needed, she could take her coat from the hanger.

"Beth" John, who was silent for a few minutes, his hip against the desk, spoke, and the girl turned her head to him "I have something for you" he reached into his pocket, and took a shiny, platinum ring out of it.

"Johnny, you didn't have to..." Beth smiled, placing her hands on his forearms, looking into his blue eyes. Yet, despite her words, the surprise made her happy.

"You are my fiance, and everyone should be aware of that, sweetheart" John stroked her cheek, and then he put the ring on her finger. It wasn't anything extraordinary. It was a normal, platinum ring, but he decided it would be the best option, and any fancy diamonds were not necessary. After all, Beth was a working woman, and it wouldn't be hard for a diamond to get caught in the fabrics to never be found again.

The man took Beth's chin in between his fingers, holding her head turned at him.

"Who would have thought that such a bloody place can hide such a lovely girl?" he muttered before leaning towards her lips. The kiss became more and more heated. Beth's hand was keeping John's head close to her, while he pulled her to himself by her waist. A quiet hum escaped his lips, as he felt the girl's hips pushed against his. John lifted her, his hands holding her by the thighs, as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He sat her down on the table, moving the fabrics to the side. He smirked, when Beth softly bit his lower lip, his hands moved up her legs, slowly going under her skirt.

"Beth, someone's waiting for you! Oh..." Maud stopped half-step, seeing her seamstress in the embrace of one of the Shelby brothers. They both froze, looking at her.

"Fix your hair. I'll be waiting outside."

Nothing is, but what is not // John ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now