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John hated theatre. But he adored Beth, and she left his life so suddenly. That's why he now stepped inside the Birmingham Repertory Theatre, taking his cap off, and pushing it into the pocket of his coat.

"Where will I find Miss Auchter?" He asked a woman who was just fixing her hair, focused on her reflection in a small mirror in her hand. John recognized her as the same person who walked Beth to the door when she first came here to ask for a job. The woman looked at him the way that everyone did. Fearfully. Yet, in those dark eyes he noticed something unexpected - confidence. He was not used to seeing that in women he talked to.

"Respectfully, but I doubt if Miss Elizabeth is interested" she answered, coming back to her mirror, her focus so strong, as if she was acting.

"I need to talk to her" John sighed, trying not to lose his temper.

"I doubt if talking to an uninterested person has a point" the man looked around with annoyance, as if he hoped that Beth would just appear.

"Listen, I know that you, bloody artists, love to be irritating, but I do not have time for this" he took his first step towards the woman "Where is Auchter?"

"I don't want you, fucking Peaky Blinders, in my theatre. You bring misfortune. Even worse than the Scottish Play" she snorted, and John frowned. He felt even more annoyed, because he had to admit that he had no idea what she meant by that.

"Do you want to find out how bad misfortune can be?" John reached for his cap. Razors glistened threateningly.

"You won't do that, Mr Shelby" woman's lips twitched, her body was tense, her hands were shaking "Beth does not approve accidents in the theatre" she couldn't believe it, but the man, who just a moment ago was ready to deprive her of her eyes, took a step back. His hand, which was about to grab her neck, stopped half-way.

"Go fuck yourself" he just murmured "Tell Beth I want to talk to her. Six o'clock. Garrison."

Pub was crowded as usual, but John was not affected by that, sitting in a small, private room that he usually used with his brothers to talk about business. He was proud to call this place his. Well, in documents it belonged to Arthur, but for him it was just an unimportant detail. He was slowly drinking whiskey from a bottle, not caring about pouring it into a glass, even though it was sitting at the table in front of him.

"Mr Shelby" he heard some man's voice and knocking at the door "Miss Auchter is here"

"Let her in, Harry" John took another, large sip from the bottle, when the door opened and Beth stepped inside. Pale skin with cheeks and nose red from cold. This view made a slight smile run across his lips.

"Good evening, Beth" the door closed behind the girl. John wanted to stand up and help her with the coat, but she did it herself, stepping away from him. He sighed.

"You wanted to talk" she decided to skip any unnecessary small talk, and go straight to the point. She accepted a chair, which John pulled out for her. He sat on the opposite side of the table.

"Beth, listen" he started, after another sip of whiskey "I didn't intend to destroy your life in London" the man leaned forward, not looking away even for a second "I would never do that on purpose."

"Do you really think that is the problem? My job?" Beth's voice was shaky. She wanted to be moral, she wanted to be objective "He murdered him. And you dared to walk me home right after… You dared to become my friend, hiding everything that is true about you" her eyes were locked at his.

"You are scared of me" John muttered, seeing how the girl's fingers tighten on the fabric on her sleeve. How she is ready to walk away any moment.

"You killed a man" Beth answered, lifting her chin, giving herself courage.

"Sweetheart, almost all the men in this country killed a man. Why am I the one you fear?" He reached for her hand, but he could just watch Beth not reacting to that.

"Because the war ended already" she answered quietly, John sighed, closing his eyes for a moment.

"The war ended only in politics, Beth" he slowly stood up and approached her. The girl flinched. John crouched down next to her chair, taking her hand "Tommy got us legal documents. Legal papers to take bets for races. Everyone can go to hell" he whispered, his fingers gripping her hand tightly "We have a legal business. This bloody pub is ours" he added, his eyes bright. He smiled in his usual, charming way.

"One chance" Beth looked at him seriously, sniffing. John lifted her hand to his lips, kissing it gently.

"I will even take you to a fucking theatre."

Nothing is, but what is not // John ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now