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Soothing her skirt and trying to get rid of the colourful threads, Beth left John in her workroom, walking into the hallway, where Maud was talking to some man.

"Elizabeth, this is Henry Edwards. Mr Edwards - Miss Auchter" they shook hands. The man was probably in his early forties. Beth felt as if she knew him from somewhere, she was sure she had heard his surname before.

"He worked on Thee Failure, The City of Beautiful Nonsense, and also The Kinsman, if you care about the newer titles" Beth's eyes lit up with understanding. Movie director.

"I was charmed by your work, Miss" Edwards went strictly to business "I would be glad, if you agreed on working with me on my newest movie. I am just starting the making of John Forrest Finds Himself..." the man started superficially describing the story he was about to put on in British cinemas, but Beth couldn't stay properly focused. A movie director wanted to work with her. Her cheeks were probably already red from excitement.

"Are you interested?" Edwards asked, and Beth eagerly nodded "I will send you a letter with all the details. It was a pleasure, Miss Auchter" he smiled and walked away.

"The pleasure is all mine" the girl answered, but it was probably just a quiet murmur. There were so many chaotic thoughts in her head right now. The movie business was still quite new, but people seemed to take it seriously. Beth loved theatre, and yet, the new offer was tempting.

"I do not like the fact that he wants to steal you from me" said Maud, when Edwards was away enough to not hear it. She looked at the young girl next to her, and Beth realised it was the time of getting reprimanded for her behaviour. Well, it would be a fair accusation, since Maud saw John's hands under her skirt. Yet, before she could say anything, Beth quickly walked away.

The whole way home John couldn't force Beth to talk about what happened. At first he thought that Maud severely scolded her for her indecency, but if that happened, Beth wouldn't be lost in her thoughts like that, and she wouldn't have this soft smile on her lips.

John stopped his car in front of Garrison.

"From looking at your face I assume you deserve the best Gin Fizz" he said, seeing his fiance's eyes, asking him for an explanation. The air on the street was still cold, yet better than it was at the beginning of February.

"Harry, Gin Fizz for my darling, whiskey for me"John leaned against the bar counter, glimpsing at Beth, who was tightly holding his hand, with excited sparkles in her eyes. They chose a table, where the girl finally decided to reveal what the conversation with Maud was about.

"You are abandoning your beloved theatre?"

"I am not abandoning it. I am only trying out different options" she shrugged, taking the first sip, and then she smiled sweetly again.

"Trying out your options, huh?" The man decided to tease her a little, looking at the ring on her finger, playing with it slightly.

"I do not need other options than you, Johnny. You know that'' Beth rolled her eyes. Moving closer to him, almost melting into his shoulder. John tangled his fingers into her hair.

"My sweet Elizabeth..." he muttered, almost just to himself.

"Beth" she corrected him, hearing that anyway.

"Beth" he repeated. A soft smile appeared on his lips as he kissed her forehead.


Nothing is, but what is not // John ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now