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At first Beth thought that John was only joking, so when on a Saturday morning she knocked at the door of Shelbys' house, she was surprised to see Polly's face. A face full of relief, as she started explaining to Beth where she would find whiskey if she couldn't stand the kids anymore.

The girl was never especially skilled when it came to babysitting, but she always was able to manage somehow. Distracting them with a book, or helping them with their schoolwork was always working. Well, not anymore. John Shelby's kids we're like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Two boys and two girls. Calming them down was an impossible task. As well as forcing them to eat their second breakfast or dinner. Finally Beth tried to just keep them away from breaking anything in the house or their own bones, and that's how she lasted until the end of the day. She took it as a success.

Yet, it was nothing compared to the relief she felt when the front door opened, and John, and Arthur along with Polly who chuckled, seeing the exhausted girl, appeared in them.

"And you only paid her a hundred pounds?" She looked at John, who was just hanging his coat on the wall.

"She hadn't asked for more" he laughed, going further into the house.

"Even a thousand wouldn't convince me to spend an afternoon with those devils" hearing that John only rolled his eyes, and Beth had no chance to say anything, because one of the girls decided that the idea of throwing her doll to the fireplace is a great idea.

"Katie!" John picked his daughter up and stroked her hair "You're an awful nuisance, you know that?"

"I am sorry" the girl mumbled, but the devilish, yet innocent grin was still on her lips. It was the exact same smirk John always had on his lips, just less toned down.

"Alright, alright. If you say so" he put her back down, and she immediately ran to her siblings, probably already having new ideas to mess up the life of the adults. Beth looked like she was about to follow her, but John took her wrist „Pol will take care of them" in response he got a few quiet curses, but his aunt followed the kids to the kitchen anyway.

"So... The same time next week?" Suggested John, looking at Beth, who looked as if he was just giving her the worst possible threat „Even if I give you a hundred pounds?"

"Even if you give me a hundred and fifty" she shook her head.

They sat on a sofa, John poured himself some whiskey and put his arm around the girl as if it was the most normal way to act.

"I am unable to find a job" Beth sighed, taking the glass out of John's hand, and taking a sip that was definitely too big. Her lips twitched. She didn't like anything not sweet „No one will hire me at the factory, if the theatre stays so important to me."

„Can you not quit?" the man asked, taking the glass back to himself, gently brushing the girl's shoulder with his hand.

"I do not want to" her voice was serious „Maud is my chance... She understands how and why I care so much. We have the same vision..."

"You are overworking yourself, sweetheart" Beth rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

"I can ask Harry if he needs someone to stand behind the bar from time to time" John offered. He was prepared for the girl to refuse. Her pride was annoying.

"Thank you" this answer was a nice surprise. John took Beth's chin in between his fingers, raising it for her to look at him. Their eyes met.

"You finally started to make good decisions" he smiled and gave her a quick kiss. He looked at her face, focusing on every detail. His lips parted, as if he wanted to say something, but before he did, he just closed them again.

Beth kissed his cheek, her lips brushing against the corner of his lips. It was not the first time she did that, which made John think it was not a coincidence. He hummed quietly, which would probably turn into a laugh, if Beth hadn't silenced him with another kiss. His hands slowly went up, to put his fingers to her hair, sliding up on her arms, shoulders, brushing her neck and finally pulling Beth closer to himself, holding her to his lips, as if he was worried his sweetheart would disappear without this.

"Johnny..." the girl muttered against his lips, but it came out as a muffled murmur. The man finally pulled back, still holding her lower lip in between his teeth for a second or two.

"Huh, sweetheart?" His fingers were tightly gripping her hair, their hot breaths mixing together.

"You promised me roses" Beth chuckled, John just rolled his eyes, pulling her closer again. The next kiss was slow, lazy, his hands still tangled in her hair. As if nothing else mattered. As if the only thing he wanted to feel was her lips on his.

"I hoped you would forget" he laughed, and then bit his teeth in her lip once again. Beth's hands wrapped at the back of his neck, to slowly move down his shoulders, getting rid of the jacket John was wearing. Not breaking the kiss, he pushed the girl onto the sofa slowly, leaning above her, smiling as he noticed her breath getting faster.

"No sex in my living room" Polly's voice made them both flinch, quickly pulling apart from each other, and when she left the room, they both giggled, once again losing themselves in tiny kisses.

Nothing is, but what is not // John ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now