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Finally she found the right door. It was a street of identical buildings made of red brick, that was dirty from the dust coming from the chimney stacks. She checked if it's the right number a few times, just to make sure, and then she knocked at the wooden door. She hadn't been waiting for long, the middle-aged woman with a cigarette in her hand opened the door and sized her up.

"Yes?" her voice was hoarse, it was a trait of everyone in this town. Breathing the smoke from the factories every day didn't have good effects.

"Does John Shelby live here?" Beth felt that she was under the woman's judgement, and for some reason she really wanted to seem worthy of her approval. The woman wasn't sure if she should let her in.

"He did when I last checked" she answered and turned to the house to yell "John! You have a guest!"

Beth heard a chair screeching against the floor and then steps on the wooden floor.

"Pol, if it's that damn motherfucker agai–" he cut his sentence, when he met the girl's eyes. Her cheeks were red, a sign of a long walk she just took "Beth" John cleared his throat, fixing his waistcoat.

"So you actually know each other" Polly took a lazy drag of her cigarette, raising her eyebrows. She was not expecting her nephew to know this type of girl. By that she meant any type of girl that is not a prostitute. She smiled to herself, leaving John and Beth alone.

"Beth" he repeated, a charming smile on his lips "I wasn't expecting you" he admitted, looking inside the house, his smile became a little awkward.

"I am sorry if it is a wrong time, I just moved here yester–"

"It is a wrong time" John didn't let her finish, but he opened the door to let her in "But I'll always find time for a sweetheart like you" he winked at her, when she stepped inside with hesitation. He took Beth's coat and hung it on the wall, and then he led her further into the house, his hand placed gently between her shoulder blades.

"Wait here" he pointed at the sofa in the dark living room "I only need to finish something. I'll be back in a minute" the girl nodded and he walked to the door that led to a different, much brighter room, where Beth noticed the same woman that she met at the door. There were some men with her. But she saw all of this only for a few seconds, when John turned to her to say.

"No eavesdropping" the door closed behind him.

Sitting alone in this warm, but dark room seemed like forever. Beth heard that people were discussing something behind the door, but she only heard some words that without the context were meaningless. Also, she was getting distracted by the children in the other room. They were playing, which led to laughing and yelling. Finally, when around fifteen minutes passed, the door opened. The woman with the cigarette, a few men and John entered the living room.

"Tea?" John approached Beth. She seemed a little uncomfortable.

"Green with sugar" she lifted her head to look at him, still sitting on the cold sofa.



"Finn, make tea! Green with two sugars!" a boy appeared in the room, he looked similar to John, except for the fact that he couldn't have been older than twelve. He was not looking eager to do anything, but John gave him a certain look that made him go to the kitchen "And bring me whiskey!"

"Isn't it too early?" Beth raised her eyebrows. It was just after noon.

"Nervous morning," the man shrugged, sprawling on the armchair in front of her. After a few minutes Finn appeared again, handing Beth a cup of tea, and John got his whiskey and a glass.

"Where do you live now?"

"Floyer Road" man's face froze for a moment, so the girl frowned, not understanding his reaction.

"Oh, it's nothing" John took the first sip of his drink, taking more time than necessary "You just chose the worst neighbourhood" he added with an amused smirk "Small Heath. Bad choice"

"Why?" Beth's face was far from bright. The last thing she wanted to hear is that in the worst of cities she chose the worst part of it. Well, that explained the low price she paid for the apartament. The only price she was able to pay.

"We have problems with the police" John explained, but it did not help "They're looking for communists. If you listened to the rumours, you would know that one of them probably lives there" he looked at the girl's face, realising, that it was probably the opposite of what she expected to hear on her first day here "Don't worry, sweetheart. As long as you're not a communist, you don't have to care" she shrugged, finishing what he had in his glass with one, quick sip.

"I expected a nicer welcome" Beth admitted, biting her lip, focusing on the hot tea in her hands.

"Not here. In Birmingham nothing is nice"

Nothing is, but what is not // John ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now