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There was a theatre in Birmingham. It was also quite new, because it opened in 1913. Beth felt a nice butterflies in her stomach as she stepped inside. It was a small building, but it didn't make her upset. John, who didn't seem delighted by the girl's idea of finding a new job here, gave her a ride anyway. She wanted him to accompany her, but for some reason he insisted that for her own success she should go alone.
Beth heard some voices and music coming from behind the door, which probably led to the auditorium. She put a hand on the door handle. The door was not locked.
"George, if you don't learn everything correctly for the next rehearsal, I am going to lose my mind!" Was the first thing she heard. Her eyes found a person whose voice it was. A woman with dark hair, who was extremely passionate about reprimanding a young man, most likely an actor.
"After your words we go to the other scene. And your words are a cue. If you say them wrong again, the crew is going to miss it" the woman sighed, she looked just bored, as if it was not the first time she had to say those exact words to this exact man.
"Good morning!" Beth tried to interrupt this scene gently, hoping that the woman is not going to put her annoyance on her. The woman turned to her with a curious, but not judging look on her face.
"Can I help you with something?" She moved her hand, getting rid of the man, hoping that her words finally stayed in his mind for good.
"I am looking for the director of this place. Or the stage manager" said Beth, smoothing her skirt, which for the first time in forever was not covered in colourful threads.
"Yes?" Beth raised her eyebrows. She hadn't expected that this woman with a serious face could be someone in such a high position.
"Elizabeth Auchter"
"Maud Gill" they shook hands.
"I wanted to find out if you need someone to help with the play"
"Do you dream about becoming a pretty little actress loved by rich men?" There was a subtle sardonic smile that appeared on Maud's lips.
"I am making costumes" Beth looked at the woman seriously "I used to work for the London Coliseum."

John was waiting in the car. The smoke from his cigarette was running away through the window, and disappearing in the wind. Finally he noticed Beth opening the main door of the theatre, slowly leaving it.
"Remember, two in the afternoon on Friday. Don't be late!" A woman with dark hair shouted behind her. He heard about her. She was the first female stage manager in England. When Beth approached the car and opened its door, John met the woman's eyes. Her face froze for a second. Beth waved at her, but she only disappeared behind the door quickly.
"Everything went as planned, I see" he started, noticing how excited Beth seemed. The last time he saw her cheeks so pink was when she was giving him a tour backstage in London.
"They are working on Shaw's Man and Superman" her heels hit the floor a few times. The energy needed to somehow leave her body "I am supposed to help with finishing the costumes" she added, playing with her skirt.
"How much do they pay?" John looked at her, feeling like melting, when he saw this innocent joy on her face, which was not a feeling anyone often felt in this city.
"I'll work in some pub in the afternoons," the girl shrugged. She was not planning on keeping being a babysitter. Children were making her annoyed.
"I can find you something that is not full of drunk men."
"What about something full of men addicted to gambling?"
"You have some problem with men" she pointed out with amusement.
"I don't want you to have it too" he answered after a few seconds of silence "Itold you, it's a city full of motherfuckers."
"Even you?"
"Especially me." John said seriously, but Beth only rolled her eyes and chuckled. The day was too beautiful to be destroyed by some talk about bad people and boring responsibilities.

Nothing is, but what is not // John ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now