XVIII | missing you

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It's only been a few weeks—almost a month—since Quentavious was dropped off at Duke University

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It's only been a few weeks—almost a month—since Quentavious was dropped off at Duke University. Remember the last time Hurricane Karma, or Karmine, was in category three? But the minute and moment they finally got back on the road to head home, the storm was upgraded to category five, breaking the scale. Karmine was so distraught that she passed out before they could even get on interstate. She was hyperventilating so hard because of the panic attack she endured. The trip back home suffered a slight detour, which diverted them to the hospital.

That was a few weeks ago, and after a string of tests and follow-up appointments with various doctors, they confirmed what her father already knew. Karmine suffers from separation anxiety. She's suffered from it since she was a tender-aged child. It's been controlled for the last few years, but it's been uncontrolled since the moment Quen announced his commitment to Duke. All her symptoms had increased and made their presence known, so when they pulled off from the school, it registered in her brain that Quen had left her, which ignited a panic attack.

Karmine's senior year had started, meaning the majority of her senior activities would keep her occupied and distracted until her first visit to Duke. It was currently a Friday afternoon, and Karmine was in her father's office going over the contracts and applications for her potential cubs. Cheer tryouts were being held tomorrow, and she was in the process of printing and stapling contracts.

Tryouts were supposed to be held over the summer, but her coach quit abruptly for family issues, so it took the school two whole months to find a replacement. Because tryouts were late, only one session will be held. Kar was working double time. Uniforms weren't going to arrive on time for the first prep rally, so Kar placed an expedited order for new shirts and shorts. As captain, she could only choose ten girls, so she ordered ten sets with extras in different sizes for precaution.

"How much is the fee this year, Bug?" Karson asked, making his presence known as he walked into the office with food. He sat Karmine's tray beside her on the side table, along with her cup. She noticed it was Manny's, and she got excited knowing it was a chicken wrap with seasoned fries.

"Fifteen hundred. The new coach switched our vendor to one that offers more extended sizes. She saw how snug my skirt was and didn't like it." Karmine confessed as she turned the printer off. She stapled the last contract and placed the stack into her orange file organizer.

Karson nodded his head and walked to the corner where one of the many gun safes he had in his house was. Quickly entering his code, he popped the safe open and grabbed a stack of five thousand dollars. He tossed it to his daughter before taking a seat behind his desk.

"Take your fee out. You know what to do with the extra. Use it for somebody who needs it. Is Judah squared away for football?" Karson stuffed some fries into his mouth and dusted his hand as he powered on his computer.

"Thank you, Daddy, and yes, sir. The custom cleats I ordered for him should actually be here tomorrow. It's his senior year, so you know he's gotta leave a lasting impressionnnn." Karmine sang, making her father laugh.

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