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| Isabella |

I rolled my eyes.

"Rachael, I just came so that you wouldn't be alone at this stupid thing." I say in earnest, to which my best friend responds with a giggle. She had theory that I only ever came with her to her parent's fancy dinner parties to land a hot, rich, bachelor.

"Are you sure about that? Last time I saw you chatting it up with several excellent candidates." She points out and I sigh, smiling ruefully.

"What's so wrong with casual conversation?" I ask and she shakes her head, like she knew something I didn't.

"But this time I have Hunter with me." She tells me matter-of-factly, as if to prove that the appearance of her long-time boyfriend at this party suddenly made my presence pointless. And so, I must only be tagging along to score a hot business man.

"Yes but you still begged me to come with you." I retort and we both laugh as she seems to give up on proving her ridiculous point. The reality of it was, she always made me to come with her and her parents always invited me.

We had been best friends for so long, she might as well be my sister, and her parents basically treated me like their second child. Rachael was their beloved daughter, after all, and anyone she loved, they instantly loved. It also helped that when we were young, I spent so much time with her at their house, I think they became fond of having me around.

"Well, maybe it will happen without you realizing it." She says, raising an eyebrow and I sigh.

"Can we drop this already? I don't need a boyfriend to be happy." I insist and she looks at me almost like she pities my solidarity. After the fiasco I had with boys in college, I decided I needed time to focus on me. She disagreed, she thought I needed to get laid.

"In that dress though, I'm just saying things may workout in your favor." She says and I run my hands down the front of the rose colored material she forced on me, it came from her closet so it made sense that it was probably the sexiest thing I had ever worn. It was the kind of thing you ogled on Pinterest and thought to yourself how hot you would look in it, but that you'd never have an occasion to wear it out. Luckily for me, tonight had been one of those rare occasions that called for a dazzling, and revealing, dress.

"I still don't know if I should have worn this. It's so . . . stuffy." I say and she smiles knowingly.

First, don't pretend you don't love the way you look in that. And second, with that much skin showing you couldn't possibly be stuffy." She says, giggling at me again. I look down at the dress again, which was held up by a gold band at the top, and ribbons that tied around my neck. This dress in particular, drew the attention from my face, to my completely exposed back, except for where it came to rest just above the top of my ass, and if one looked particularly close, the under-curve of my boob.

"I'm just scared I'll flash someone my nipple." I confess and we burst out laughing.

"Honey, I offered to let you borrow some of my breast petals."  She says through her laughter and I shake my head.

"No, it was like a bandaid and you told me it hurts to take off, you know I couldn't have handled that." I insist and her eyes light up with realization.

"Oh, that's right, I forgot. You have sensitive nipples." I gasp at that, attempting to hush as she continues laughing. I try not to think of the time when I discovered just how bad chaffing can be if you forget to wear a bra under your t-shirt. Mainly I felt terrible for our driver, who had to over hear our conversation.

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