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| Isabella |

I pulled the packing tape roll across the last box in my room, sealing it shut for the trip to Manhattan. I was currently sitting crisscross on the floor of my bare bedroom, in our now old apartment.

It was some sort of miracle that Racheal and I had found an apartment in the city this quickly, only it was bitter sweet because being in Manhattan, meant being closer to Nathan, and after our last encounter, I preferred never to see him again.

The way he had kissed me suggested he felt something for me, but who knows, I don't truly know him and so I don't know if that was just lust or if it was actually meaningful. Maybe its why I was drawn to him and at the same time, didn't want to see him, because he was so hard to read. Hard to understand. I could normally figure people out right away, but I couldn't figure out Nathan.

I was desperately trying to convince myself he was not worth it and I should forget him, but I couldn't forget our kisses.

No, I definitely could not.

"Izzy?" asks Racheal coming into my room. I look up from my last box.

"Yeah?" I respond and she smiles.

"You good?" she asks and I nod.

"Yep, just finished up this box." I say, putting down the packing tape and then grab the sharpie I had out to label, from the ground. I scribble room décor across the side and then stand.

"You seem like something has been bothering you lately." she says and I shake my head.

"I'm fine, I've just been preoccupied with finals and stuff." I mutter, running a hand through my hair. She nods. "But now that that's over, I'm good." I say with a small smile. She gives me a funny look, but instead of prying she leaves it. Maybe she didn't want to ask me, or she believed it was the stress of graduation getting to me and not the deep kisses and blue eyes of Nathan Price.

"Okay, well the movers will be here soon and then we're going to New York City!" she exclaims and I laugh at her.


The car ride into the city was long, but jamming to hardcore rap music and munching on a variety of candy with Rachael, made it pass in no time.

When we finally pulled up outside our quaint apartment building, a rush of excitement hit me and I had a sudden burst of energy. The exciting possibilities of new chances and a fresh start causing me to feel overjoyed. Rachael was excited too, and we both raced up the front steps and through the double doors into the lobby of the apartment building. It was small, most likely only about 15-feet wide, but it was very long. Along one wall, there two sets of elevator doors and along the opposite there was fine artwork with fancy couches beneath. At the end of the room, there was a desk, with a kind-looking woman sitting behind it.

"Hello!" she calls happily and we approach the desk. "How may I help you today?" she asks.

"We're here for our new apartment, I'm Rachael Marino and this is Isabella Smith." says Rachael, motioning to me, I offer a small smile and the woman nods. 

"Oh that's right, you're moving into apartment 35C correct?" she asks and we both nod. "Well you two can go on up."

We both thank her and hurry to the elevator. I was thankful the leases had been signed, the payments completed and paperwork finished before we got here, because I couldn't wait to see the place again. I had seen it briefly when we were apartment hunting, but hadn't had time to look everywhere. The elevator dinged and we got out on the third floor, we found our new apartment door and Rachael unlocks it.

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