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| Isabella |

Was I shocked that Nathan had taken me out? Yes I was very shocked, in fact there was an emotion I was feeling right now, that was probably another level above shocked. That being said, he was still insisting he would not date me, why? I still didn't know.

"Where do you want to go?" he asks and I look over the driver side of his sports car, which was currently cruising down the street towards whereever we wanted to go.

"I don't know a whole lot of restaurants around here." I tell him honestly.

"Okay, then I'll take you to a place I know." he says and I nod. The silence in the car was comfortable but I was still racking my mind for something interesting to say, now that this was finally happening I planned to impress him.

But how do you live up to the standards of a man like him?

I bite my lip, a bad habit I had formed and one which my mother had always scolded me for when I was younger. I reach forward and turn on the radio in his car, at least I hoped it was the radio, and I was happy to find that music started.

I flipped through a couple stations until I found a song that I didn't mind and sat back, happy. I looked down at my clothes and suddenly wished I thought to go home and to change before boldly doing what I assume no woman had done before.

I had on light washed short shorts and a grey blouse, flats hugged my feet and my hair was curled. I thought back to my minimal makeup routine this morning and suddenly wanted to scold myself. No wonder he had thought I was too young for him, even if there was only a three year age difference, that was still a lot.

At least I had had a purse, and I had worn my favorite necklaces. Each with a thin gold chain, and each with a different tiny colored stone as a charm. Okay, maybe I was partially put together, it was summer after all, he just dresses professional any day  I thought trying to comfort myself.

Soon we pulled up to a sleek looking restaurant and he climbs out wordlessly, coming over to my side to let me out before the valet takes his car and we go inside. It smelled wonderful and soon we were seated in a little booth, near the back of the restaurant, facing each other. We looked at the menu's ordered and then I was free to talk to him. Maybe find out a bit more about Mr. Nathan Price, and what was hiding behind his calculating personality. 

"So, tell me about you." I start and he raises his eyebrows.

"Oh, I don't like to talk about... my past." he mutters.

"Well then just tell me something about you." I say sighing slightly, maybe this would harder than I thought.

"I really hate cats." he says making a disgusted face.

"What?" I scoff.

"Yeah, I hate them, when I was little, I got attacked and I've hated them ever since." he explains and I giggle. He smiles at me, and I realized this was one of the few times I've seen him smile. "I'd rather you tell me about you though." he says and I nod slowly. I wasn't sure how much I should tell him about my childhood, it tended to be more depressing than the average persons. Even still, I decided to at least tell him something.

"Well, I grew up in a little sea side town outside of The Hamptons. My parents were very in love in the beginning, but that changed fast..." I pause for a second and he gives me a questioning look. "When I was 10, I think, I walked in on my dad banging some random woman." I say and he looks surprised. "Then I told my mom and there was nothing but fighting from then out. They were really physical with each other, you know, like hitting and stuff and I was kind-of left to fend for myself."

Mr. Elitist [ A Novel ]Where stories live. Discover now