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| Nathan |

I woke up at precisely 3 am on Monday morning, and was already wide awake.

Today I was going a family vacation with Isabella.

How the hell did this happen? I thought I didn't want her in my life at all, but that was clearly not the case. Maybe I would try to push her away when we got back... I didn't honestly know what I was doing.

When I had told my mother over the phone Saturday morning that I was bringing a girl with me, she dropped whatever she had been holding. I know because I heard a deafening crash and something shattering, but she didn't care.

She had gushed and gushed about how happy she was for me. She then proceeded to tell every single member of our family that was coming on the trip in a matter of hours. Jackson came over to my home and I had to eventually kick him out because he was making such a big deal over what was really nothing.

Sunday, my mother called again, asking what she should cook all week in order to impress Isabella, I didn't know what to tell her except that she should probably make her homemade cheesecake.

"I'm just so excited Nathan, I have to make a good impression on your girlfriend." she had said cheerily.

"She's not my girlfriend." I had snapped and she only laughed at me, but corrected herself. I let Isabella know of the whole plan so she could plan her own vacations days accordingly with her boss, and now the day was finally here.

I was dreading it.

I got out of bed, worked out, showered and then got dressed for the flight. I had packed the night before, so I took my suit case, and back pack downstairs. There I waited for it to be 3:45 am, and then I could leave to get Isabella.

I drank a cup of coffee, looked at some emails and enjoyed the silence. I knew silence would be something few and far between in the upcoming week.

I couldn't comprehend why I had invited Isabella, especially if I had convinced myself I didn't want anything from her. The whole thing was... odd.

Finally it was time for me to go, I got my things, and even though I had said I wouldn't bring any work with me, I did pack my lap top and some files from the office. Plus, my phone made me able to do work anywhere I went.

I got in my black Audi, and then left to go get Isabella, from there we would go to the airport and take my private jet down to Florida. I hoped she would be awake and ready, something told me she definitely didn't ever wake up at this time.

I pulled up outside the apartment building and the made my way up to her apartment. I knocked on the door and she opened it, looking a little groggy but nonetheless put together. She wore a pair of dark-washed jeans, a rose colored blouse and a cream sweater. Her hair was hanging in loose waves around her face and her face looked clean, freshly washed.

"Good Morning." I say and she smiles tiredly.

"Hey." she says. "Come in."

I entered, then waited for her while she got her bags together and put stuff away around the apartment. Then she pulled on some simple high heals and came back over. I smiled a little, wondering if she felt more confident when she was taller. I realized then I really liked the way she looked in high heals.

"Okay, I'm ready." she says.

"Alright. Let's go." I say and I insisted on taking her bags, even though she told me she could get it all. She only one large suit case, a duffel bag and her purse, which she carried. I loaded them into the back of my car, and we were off.

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