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| Nathan |

My brother's words still echoed in my mind 'she sounds perfect for you' and even though what he said made me want to call her, I still wasn't able to pick up the phone and do it. Part of the reason was that she lived three hours away and was probably busy, seeing as she hadn't made any efforts to contact me herself, thought that may be due to the fact that she gave up or she was more likely waiting for me to call her.

I was still working all the time, investing with different people and pulling out of other investments because the company which had once been so great when it came to me was going under. My company was in no danger of any such thing, in fact I didn't think it was possible now we had become so great.

I was looking into more charity work as well, and was even considering starting my own school somewhere, probably overseas, that desperately needed an education system. It was actually one of the only things that got me excited of late, work in general was something I was happy to do, but this work was changing people's lives, and I honestly enjoyed it.

It wasn't until late one Wednesday morning that I finally decided I needed to go see Isabella. She was always in my thoughts, I wasn't getting any sleep and honestly, I missed her snide remarks and sarcastic comments. But I would never admit it.

"Martha." I say into the intercom, buzzing her to come into my office. She appeared, opening the door quickly, and looking expectantly at me.

"I'm going out." I say standing and grabbing my car keys from my desk, I also slid my phone inside my front pocket. I check my watch, 10 am. "Please have my 4 o'clock meeting prepped when I get back."

She nods and bows out again. I collected a few more things, like my wallet, from my desk and then marched out of my office, shutting the lights off behind me. I rode the elevator down to the parking garage, walked to my Lamborghini, I had driven myself today, and climbed in. With the keys in the ignition, I revved the engine and took off into the busy New York streets.

The drive was long, but luckily after a bit, the traffic wasn't that bad as I got closer to the school. She had to be working there, it was still fairly early in the day and I had lost her number, whether or not that had been on purpose, I didn't know. This was impulsive and would probably end up being pointless, but...it was too late now.

I didn't really have a plan, which was odd for me, but I needed to either confirm we weren't going to speak anymore. I wasn't any good for her, I knew that much, but I wasn't getting any peace of mind knowing she might still be waiting for me to call her.

I pulled into the parking lot and saw some kids playing in the playground, it must be recess at this point in the day. I stepped out, marching through the glass doors and down the hallway to where I remembered the front office was.

I pushed the door open and saw a squat woman shuffling papers around on the one of the desks behind the tall counter separating the waiting area from the offices in the back. She looks up at me suspiciously, she seemed shocked and yet, intrigued by my appearance.

"Can I help you?" she asks in a soft voice.

"I'm looking for Isabella Smith." I tell her firmly and her face falls, maybe she had hoped I was looking for her instead.

I hear the door open from behind me and the click of heels echoes in the office.

"Nathan?" asks someone behind me. It was her, it had to be, I knew that voice. I turned on the spot and sure enough, her wide blue eyes were looking up at me. She was dressed in a plain white button down shirt, which was tucked into her short kaki colored pencil skirt. She looking a bit stressed, her hair, which had been pulled back, had wisps falling around her face.

Mr. Elitist [ A Novel ]Where stories live. Discover now