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| Nathan |

Jackson rambled on and on, and I only rolled my eyes. He had come to me, whining again about our mother who was insisting on him bringing his fiancé Lucy, which Jackson didn't want to do because he thought our mother would steal him from her the whole time because she 'loved her so much'. I nodded as he continued to complain, but stopped listening and started working instead.

This was a waste of my time.

According to him it was bad enough that we all had to go on vacation together soon. It wasn't that he didn't love our family, it was just that when he went on vacation he wanted to relax, and apparently our mother also made that difficult. Personally I just believed he was a pussy and his problems were pointless.

I just shook my head, mostly zoning out until he mentioned Isabella.

"What?" I snapped.

"I'm just saying when are you going to go after her? I can see something bothering you and unless its something in the company, its defiantly her." He had ignored me glaring at him. "It's like I said, she sounds perfect for you."

"Get out." I said stonily, to which he had responded with a short laugh and then he left.

Now, I was sitting, staring a some charts on my computer screen, thoughts of her clouding my mind, which was irritating because I didn't want to think about her at all. She wasn't my type, she was annoying and rude, very sarcastic. She giggled an awful lot, she dressed fairly plain and still...that girl was everywhere now, I hadn't gone in the guest room she had stayed in, but every time I walked past in my home, I thought about her. I thought about her when I drove my car around town, when I was just sitting, trying to work or even just lying in bed at 3 am.

I was pretty tired because of it, but I wouldn't let anyone know that, least of all her. If I ever did see her again.

I glanced up at my door when I heard a commotion outside in the lobby. Suddenly the doors burst open, and there she was, as if I had called her to me with my thoughts.

Isabella Smith.

I stood from my seat, my eyes wide and gaze harsh.

What the hell?

"Mr. Price, I couldn't stopp her I-I'm sorry." stutters Martha also entering, trying to grab her and drag her out of the room.

"I just wanted to talk to him." she says to Martha, shoving her off with such force it nearly sent her toppling to the ground. "Like I told you before."

"And I told you that you weren't scheduled. No appointment, no seeing Mr. Price." says Martha firmly, and Isabella glares.

"Well I'm here now." she states simply.

"Fine then I'm calling security." snaps Martha, getting angry.

"Fine, does it look like I care?" she yells.

The whole time I had been standing here watching them, the sight was almost humorous but still irritating. I sighed.

"Enough." I groan, loud enough for them both to shut up. "Isabella please calm down. This is very unprofessional of you Martha, I appreciate you insisting on company policy, but she can stay and from now always remember to check with me on who it is and if they can come in my office."

"But, she didn't have any reason..." she starts but I hold up a hand, frowning at her.

"Leave." I say shortly and Isabella smirks at her, giving her a little wave.

"Mr. Price..." begs Martha turning back to meet my stony gaze.

"I told you to leave us Martha." I say harshly.


"Get Out!" I roar and she scuttles away, slamming the door shut and leaving Isabella standing there. I came around my desk and stood, my arms crossed over my chest. "What do you want?"

"I want to tell you, you can't tell me to stay away from you. You do not just kiss a girl like you did and then run off." she says.

"I thought we had been over this-" I begin but she keeps going. 

"I'm old enough to make my own choices, however self-destructive they may be, you have no right to make that choice for me. I like you, Nathan Price and I want to go on a date with you, and I don't care if its risky, everything in life is risky, and not taking those risks is completely idiotic." she states, marching toward me, until she stood about an inch in front of me. "I also do not give a damn if your scared or whatever, you need to learn-"

But I cut her short.

"Stop." I say firmly, she was pissing me off but I didn't know how much longer I could hold her off. Her eyes looked wary as she gazed at me intently, as if daring me to do anything, say anything.

"Well?" she asks expectantly.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to ruin her, I didn't want to take that innocence away but she and I couldn't seem to stay away from each other, even when I told her our relationship was nothing more than a friendship. I was at a loss for what to do.

But before I could make a decision, she was making choices of her own.

She stepped very close to me suddenly and I felt taken-a-back. She leaned up and kissed me. I felt the shock radiating through her body to mine, but then I relaxed. I deepen the kiss, her hands found my hair and mine held her body against me firmly. She was so tiny, I was terrified my grip would break her.  

I broke us apart, breathing hard.

"Will you take me on a date?" she asks again, still out of breath.

"...no." I mutter and she huffs, stepping away from me. Didn't she get it? I didn't like her...type.

"Fine." she says making a face and I frown at her, feeling angry.

"Oh fucking hell Isabella." I burst out, feeling completely enraged. I storm to my desk and pull out my phone and wallet angrily. "Come on."

"What?" she asks, looking a bit shocked as I lean her toward my door, deciding I would take her on my lunch break with me to shut her up.

"This isn't a date." I say forcefully and she giggles.

"Okay, sure." she responds, sarcastic as ever, which was even more infuriating.

This whole damn situation was completely crazy, but... for some disturbed reason...

I was letting it happen.



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-Keara Rose

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