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| Isabella |

I got out of the elevator and walked down the hallway to our apartment door, taking my keys out from my purse and unlocking the door. I walked in, taking my flats off and setting them down in the entry way. I walked into our living room where Racheal was standing by the window, and when she saw me, she shrieked.

"Where have you been?" exclaims Racheal, as she practically tackles me onto the couch. She must have been waiting for me here and if she was by the window, then she saw everything.

"I saw him drop you off." she adds giggling and poking me, emphasizing on the word 'him'. I brush her off.

"Oh we just hung out today, no big deal." I say, sitting up, while trying to not totally freak out, like she was.

"You spent the day with Nathan Price, one of the seventh richest men in the world. A man who most woman would kill to hold hands with, let alone kiss like you two did. I was watching you by the way." she adds making a mischievous face at me. " A man who no one thinks will ever settle down because he 's such a ladies man. A man who-" but I stop her there.

"I know, I know." I say smiling.

"Oh my god!" she practically screams. "This is so perfect, I've been waiting for you to finally meet someone, but he totally outlived my expectations."

"Hey!" I exclaim. "We aren't anything, I promise. It wasn't even a date."

"Oh sure." she says laughing at me.

"And what expectations did you have for me exactly?" I ask.

"I'm just saying I always thought you go back to Jack or something." she says, referring to my old college boyfriend.

"Ew! No, how could you think I would do that?" I ask, pretending to be very offended and she just laughs at me.

"Well, regardless, I hope he calls you again." she says. "In fact I know he will..." she trails off thinking for a moment. "You know what, even better, you should text him."

"What!? No!" I say loudly. "No way, he'd think I was crazy or something."

"Not if you play your cards right, give me your phone." she insists, and when I refuse she pins me down, tickling me until I couldn't breathe and I was too weak to fight back. She takes my phone and gets off me.

"Okay." she says, throwing her long red hair over her shoulder, as though she was preparing for something very serious and important.

"Please don't." I squeak from my defeated position on the couch and she just laughs at me.

"Trust me, I know how this works okay?" she reassures me.

I sit up and look at the screen of my IPhone 5 with her. She opens up a new message with his number, which I still had from the night I got lost at the bar. I prayed to god this wouldn't frighten him too much.

"Alright, so... here." she types a message :

I had fun today ;)

We wait for a response, and to my surprise, I saw the 'read' receipt pop up and then it displayed that he was typing back. That was fast. But I guess it shouldn't surprise me, he seems like a man who would be punctual in anything.


Racheal squeals loudly.

"He was so quick to respond." she says and I nod.

"I know." I mutter.

"Now we wait, he may see that you've read it, but if you hold off on responding for a few minutes, then it will show him you must being doing something else, slightly more important than texting him. It will keep him waiting for your response, and also if you respond to quickly, it may seem creepy." she explains and I just shake my head.

Mr. Elitist [ A Novel ]Where stories live. Discover now