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| Isabella |

The airport was especially crowded after the holidays, as people traveled home, heavy with the weight of knowing they had to return to work after the long break. It made for good people watching though, as we discovered while we sat and waited for it to be time for me to go through security. Rachael, Hunter and Rachael's parents had come to the airport to see me off. All my things had been shipped out the California already and so now all I had to do was board the plan with my little carry-on bag.

It felt like the end of an era for me. I'd spent my whole like in and around New York, only ever having visited other places. Living somewhere new, even if it was for just 6 months, would be a good experience for me. I needed the kind-of 'fresh start' that people so often raved over. The break-up with Nathan had taken it's toll on me, both physically and mentally. I'd gotten to the point where I'd barely been eating, sleeping fitfully and feeling so emotionally blank that I thought I might just vanish one day without a trace. 

Even after I knew I'd get my long awaited fresh start in California, I found it very difficult to break my recently acquired habit of never leaving my room. I had to push myself to pick myself back up. I wasn't addressing any of my feelings moping around so I decided to suck it up and keep going with life. Of course, this is easier said than done. Even today I miss him so bad it hurts. It's the kind-of numbing pain that you don't think you'll ever be able to get rid of . . . as though now, it was a part of me. 

"The apartment will feel so weird without you there." Says Rachael, interrupting my thoughts and I nod. "I've never lived by myself."

"Well, babe, I'll be there." Says Hunter and she smiles gratefully up at him. I laugh lightly. 

"Come on Hunter, you know you'll never measure up to me." I say and he sighs deeply, rolling his eyes. 

"You know, as much as you irritate me Isabella, I am actually going to admit your sass." he says and I glance up in surprise, meeting his sincere gaze. "Whether you believe it or not, you have made my life a lot more entertaining." 

I open my mouth in mock surprise. "Hunter!" I gasp. "Was that a compliment? For me?" 

"Don't push it." he says, grinning and shaking his head. Then we all laugh. 

"I can't believe you two are just starting to get along as you leave!" says Rachael forlornly and I sigh, it was ironic I supposed. She wraps her arms around me, resting her head on my shoulder as she sighs for the millionth time. I lean into her hug, knowing I would miss the safety of my life in New York. 

It was all I'd ever known and that had been okay. It was like my own little bubble I was content to live in . . . that is until Nathan Price came along and popped it. And now I needed somewhere new. 

I check the time on my phone and feel nerves explode in my stomach as I realize it's time to go. I shift slightly and Rachael knows too, seeing the time as well. I had an hour and half to get through security and find my gate, which shouldn't be too bad. I stand, collecting my things and they all stand too. Rachael's mom engulfs me in a hug first, holding me tightly. 

"I'm going to miss you dear Isabella." she says softly. "I hope you enjoy California." 

"Thank you." I whisper. "I'll miss you too." 

Her father hugged me next, thanking me for being such a good friend to Rachael all these years. Hunter gave me a halfhearted side hug, telling me again that he'd miss my sarcasm and also that he actually did measure up to me because he was marrying Rachael after all. That made all of us laugh. 

Then I turned to Rachael, who jumped into my arms and hugged me tighter than ever before. I almost couldn't breathe and when she pulled back, we were both tearing up. 

"You better call the second you get there and then FaceTime as soon as you are in your new apartment because I want to see everything." she says forcefully and I nod. "And after that we're going to have daily phone calls." 

"Okay." I say, laughing through the tears that had started to fall down my cheeks. I wipe at my eyes with the back of my hand. "Okay, I will. And I'll be calling to help plan your wedding of course." 

"Oh! And you better Snapchat everything too!" she adds and we both giggle. Then I step back, taking a deep breath and smiling. I look each one of them over, then wave goodbye as I start towards the line to security. 

It didn't take long to get through and soon was sitting at my gate, waiting for my flight to board. I felt . . . okay, for the first time in a while. But I couldn't help in that moment picturing Nathan running through the airport towards my gate, coming to tell me he was sorry and he loved me. I imagined him buying a plane ticket, going through security and then yelling for me to wait as he reached my gate. And then he'd tell me he was so sorry for everything that had happened and that he never meant any of it and that he was in love with me. 

I'd been dreaming of this . . . waiting for it to happen, not even here waiting at the airport. I'd imagined him magically showing up at my work, at my apartment or just bumping into me at the store. But that was realistic and it wasn't healthy. 

In order to truly move on, I had to stop wishing for him to come to me. The more I thought about our relationship over these last months the more I began to wonder if I had been in love with the idea of him and what we could have been, rather than the reality of my situation. And that wasn't a happy thought, so I'd pushed it away. 

Soon, I was boarding the plane, and taking my seat. The flight attendant announced our departure time, among other standard messages. I'd be taking two planes to arrive in LAX, from there I would then be driven to Pasadena. I sat back in my seat, gazing out the small, oval window of the plane at the setting sun. 

This wasn't perfect. 

This was not where I thought I'd be at this point in my life. . . but then again, I guess that's the beauty of opportunity. 

. . . 


. . . 

Hello Lovely Readers! 

I can't believe I've finished it! It feels so strange (Ahhhhhhh!) Anyways, what do you think?! I need feedback, tell me your thoughts in the comments. I hope you've enjoyed this book, it's my first one I've ever finished on Wattpad! I know it's had it's ups and downs, especially when it comes to updating on time (it's a struggle ya'll) but overall, I had so much fun writing it. These characters have been a part of my life for so long now . . . I can't wait to see what's next. (Haha) 

I'll be posting again soon with some announcements regarding what's going to happen in the future/ what to be looking forward to. Also, I've seen some authors doing this, but if you have any questions for me, feel free to leave them in the comments below. (Like a Q&A type thing and I'll answer them in my next update)

But for now . . . 

That's all folks! 


- Keara Rose 

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