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* mature content *

| Isabella |

I woke up slowly the next morning, still wrapped in Nathan's arms. He held me close- his skin warming mine. After last night I was tired and I could feel it in my eyes before I even opened them. But I was glad because it meant I got to know a little more about him.

I was lying face down on my stomach, my cheek pressed into my pillows, Nathan's body covering mine. My eyes flutter open to bright fall sunlight pouring into my room through the windows. It occurred to me just then that I couldn't believe it was almost November- Nathan and I had been dating for almost three months now. My mind wandered, thinking of all the things I could do for our anniversary to surprise him . . . if he was in to anniversaries.

He shifts behind me, sighing deeply as he wakes up too. I close my eyes as I feel his lips press against my shoulder gently.

"Good morning." He says, voice groggy. I smile to myself.

"Morning." I mumble, still half asleep. His lips reach my neck and suddenly I'm waking up at the feeling of him behind me. He was definitely awake.

"I want you." He murmurs into my ear, lips brushing the shell of it. I giggle softly.

"A little eager are we?" I ask, turning my head slightly so I can see him. He's grinning lazily, his hair tousled adorably.

"How could I not be?" He asks and I blush. He leans in, kissing me and I return it.

"But shouldn't we have breakfast?" I mumble against his mouth and he chuckles. "I'm hungry."

"I'm hungry too." He answers, pulling back to look at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I roll mine.

"Don't finish that sentence." I warn and he leans closer, lips brushing against mine as his hands run down my chest, one cupping me gently and the other finding my hips, tilting them up against him. I gasp, feeling him there, ready.

"Hungry for you." He finishes and I giggle loudly.

"You're so silly." I say as he tries to kiss me again. "Nathan . . ." I giggle loudly and he laughs too. His eyes crinkle at the edges, his teeth flashing as he smiles.

"You're cute but you need to be quiet now." He says, pushing himself father against me and kissing my cheek.

"I thought you liked it when I was loud." I say and he chuckles. Then I finally lean up and return his kisses.

"S-shut up and let me fuck you." He mutters, still laughing slightly as he deepens the kiss. I moan softly, pushing my hips back up against him and he hisses sharply. I roll over, wrapping my legs around his waist as he kisses me deeply. "So beautiful." He mutters against my lips.

We continue like this, gentle touches and kissing before we're both breathing heavily. And when we're finally together we are interrupted by a rude and rather obnoxious knocking at my bedroom door.

"Shit." Mutters Nathan, his voice strained. He stops moving, and I whine, my insides still aching with no release.

"Izzy?" Calls Rachael loudly, banging on the door again. I remain silent, wondering if she would go away if I didn't respond. She knocks again and I huff angrily. "Izzy, are you awake?"

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