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| Nathan |

I didn't call her.

I didn't want to, because I was not interested.

I did wonder if she was waiting for my call or if she just handed her number out to anyone who 'entertained' her.

I was standing and looking at my reflection in the full length mirror in my walk-in closet, I was dressed for the companies social, something we all did occasionally on the weekends. It wasn't special to me of course, I would work, even if it was the weekend, and so this was like any other night.

Maybe I would call Charlotte, a girl I had met not two nights ago, through Eric. She was gorgeous, a tall blond with a big chest and a smooth, sexy voice. She was a good time and got my mind off things. The only problem was once she showed up here and I got what I wanted, she wanted to just 'roll around naked together' the rest of the time we spent in the others company.

My phone began ringing and I pulled it out my front pocket of the dress suit. I saw my brother's caller id and ignored it. He had been pissing me off lately and I was fed up with it.

I finished my once over, deeming myself very much acceptable for these little gatherings. I looked at my watch and decided to head out. I went downstairs and climbed into my sleek, black Lamborghini, one of my many sports cars, in my own parking garage.

It wasn't my favorite but it would do for tonight. My favorite was a sporty, silver Bentley with blue headlights, it might as well be my child I cared for it so much.

I'll admit I had a thing for cars.

I revved the engine in the car and took off, heading towards the Ritz-Carlton hotel, which was closer to the heart of the city, but not too far. When I got there, the sun was setting, and the cool night air was refreshing. I handed my keys to the valet and stepped out, and walked into the venue.

The party was held in a huge ball room. There was a live Jazz band in full swing, the people walked about, men talking business most likely, women exchanging gossip. I was suddenly graced by the presence of none other than Charlotte herself.

"Hi Nathan." She says smoothly. She looked good, very good, her body was draped in an emerald green gown, which hugged her tightly.

"Charlotte." I say nodding and she smiles at me, batting her eye lashes and leaning in closer to me.

"You look nice to night babe." She says, as if she was seducing me with her voice. I suddenly felt anger flare inside of me, the way she was acting was not only highly inappropriate since we were in public, but she was throwing herself at me.

All women did, and I hated it.

"No pet-names, what have I told you?" I tell her, taking a step back and she sighs deeply.

"Alright, that one's on me. See you later then." She says giving me a smoldering look.

I brushed past her, heading towards Shawn. He was the closest thing I had to a good friend, apart from Eric, who couldn't make it tonight.

"Nathan!" he says loudly, seeing me coming. He had a head of unruly dark hair, dark eyes and he was an even bigger ladies' man then I was. I had to give him credit that he did score a lot of hot 'babes' as he called it.

"Shawn." I say grinning as he pulled me in for a side hug. Then he handed me a scotch, I drank some gratefully. We talked about small things, the band, work and our latest girls.

"Danni looks good tonight." he says and I furrow my brow.

"She's here." He says and I nod, looking around, I didn't see her but it only made sense that she was here.

"I called it off with her a while ago." I say.

"Good, then I get a chance." he says laughing, but then his smile fades. "As soon as I tap that, man, damn." I turn around to wear he was gesturing and I had to work hard not to let my jaw drop.

The girl standing there, was someone I knew but, seemed like a changed person. 

Isabella Smith.

That girl was full of surprises.

I felt like it had been ages since I had seen her, even if I had been thinking about her. She looked nice, but still very simple. My guess was her friend dressed her for these events, not her, because the dress she wore didn't seem like her style. Her body was covered in a nude colored dress, that had black lace detailing all over. It hugged curves I didn't ever know she had and when she turned and I saw the back was completely open, but covered her lower back and accentuated her ass.

"Please say I can have that one." says Shawn next to me.

He was far more taken by the soft brown hair and wide blue eyes then I was.

"I'm going out there man, wish me..." but he trailed off as soon as we saw a guy come up behind her. She scowled at him as he swept her away, attaching her to him and guiding her back to that red-headed friend of hers.

"She's with that guy? Damn, well that blows." says Shawn angrily.

I downed my scotch and got a re-fill. I couldn't help but wonder if she was even wearing underwear underneath that thing. It fell so smoothly over her body...

"Oh well." says Shawn, defeated. I was glad he couldn't have her. I sort-of knew her, she deserved better because she was more than what she looked like, un-like Charlotte or Danni who specialized in sleeping with everyone. I even heard she slept with someone's wife. 

It made me think I defiantly needed to break it off with Charlotte and aim higher. But not for Isabella Smith, no she was trouble for me.

"She's coming over here." spits Shawn, nudging me and I spun around in time to see her. She wasn't swishing her hips or anything, she was just walking with confidence that absolutely turned me on.

"Hi Nathan." she says.

"Hello Isabella." I say as she came to a standstill around the tall table where our drinks were resting.

"Introduce me man." hisses Shawn.

"Oh, this is Shawn, Shawn this is Isabella Smith." I say. She nods at him, offering a small smile but she quickly looked back to me. I begged her in my mind not to ask why I hadn't called her since she gave me her number 2 weeks ago.

"The band is good." she says "I don't really have a thing for jazz though."

"Me too, I like classic rock and roll." says Shawn, letting the words roll out of his tongue as sexually as he possibly could make them, I eyed him, trying to tell him to give it up already, but he didn't get it.

"Oh, I prefer music that really makes you feel something." she says. "But I do like a good pop song once in a while, if its good, of course."

"Yes, I probably identify most with 'Sexy and I Know It'." he tells her. I roll my eyes, and drank more, their small-talk becoming annoying to me.

"I think it suits you too. What do you think suits Nathan?" she asks and I look up.

"Probably Feelin' Myself." says Shawn, snorting loudly at his own 'joke' and laughing. Isabella eyes me and him, then turns back to me.

"Oh I'm sure." she says, raising an eyebrow at me. Nothing about her voice was sexy, but her expression made me nearly lose it.

We spent the rest of the night talking, Shawn got her to dance with him and then finally it was my turn.

The jazz band had a smooth song going, other couples were swaying gently back and forth and she came to find me.

"Come on Mr. Price, time to dance." she says. And like a complete and total idiot, I followed her.

Mr. Elitist [ A Novel ]Where stories live. Discover now