Lena's POV
This can't be happening. They were determined on someone dying. I was not going to let that happen. Not to my friends.
I ran at the man and wrestled the knife away from him. It fell to the ground and skitted away from us. We both glanced at the knife and chased after it. I got to it first and drove it into the robot man. He sputtered and hit the ground. Instead of his blood being red or blue, it was black. Black as night and it spilled all over the ground.
I stood in horror at the sight. That proved I was a killer. I didn't care if it was to save a friends life. I still took a life.
" Danielle!" Someone shouts.
I shook my head and snapped back into reality and looked around. Two men were dead and the other three had my friends. Both Tyler and Tilar were in the hands of the robots. Kendal was hurt, as was Tonya, but not dead. Danielle lay on the ground in a pool of blood. His blood. He was gone. My attempts to save him, failed. When I was busy killing someone I could have saved him.
" No. No." I shake my head and kneel next to his lifeless body. " No!" I scream picking up his head. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't care. They did this and they would pay for it. I kissed his forehead and let him go.
" So sorry we had to do this, but now you have to come with us." Says the main guy reaching for my arms.
" No." I say. " If you have forgotten I run this tight knit group. If you think you can come in and take me and kill my best friend you're mistaken." I swallow hard and step in his face. He may have the gun, but I have the ability and I will use it. " I'll give you ten seconds to get the hell out of my face. You are going to round your men up and never show your faces again. I will kill you and any body associated with you. Do I make myself clear?" I shout not faltering once with my words.
He shakes his head and chuckles. " That is where you're wrong. You won't kill me, but you will hurt yourself trying. See now I am a leader myself and frankly I don't give a damn about your friends." He smirks and steps closer to me. I snarl and wrap my hands around his neck. I didn't know what I was doing at first until I heard the shift in his breath. I killed him, just like the other guy. I looked him dead in his eye and killed him. In a matter food seconds. I felt no remorse or guilt. I liked it and was going to end every other humans life. One at a time.
" Lena, this isn't you. Stop!" Tonya struggled against the man's grip. Every ounce of innocence inside of me just melted away at her words. She was right. This wasn't who I was. I wasn't a killer, but I'm not afraid to do it.
" Step away from all of my friends before I kill each and every one of you. Now!" I jab my finger at the men in a attempt to intimidate them. It worked. They scattered and went back into the woods. Never to be seen again.
My friend was gone. He was killed by the robots. I've known loss and over time you heal and become whole again. However, you never fully become whole. When you go through pain of any kind it shatters you, but somehow you always heal, but a piece of you is always missing. A piece of you that will always and forever be missing because that one person took it with them. If you endure the pain of loss constantly you'll soon have no more pieces to lose. You'll be a hollow shell of your former self. Much like myself.
I looked around. Mikell kneeled next to Danielle fighting back his own tears. Tilar and Tonya held each other by Danielle's lifeless body. Kendal sat on the ground holding his arm and Tyler sat on the ground, still processing what just happened. Jackson was out here watching all of us standing in the doorway. As for me, I chose not to believe that he was dead. Danielle was alive somewhere. He was with his family maybe half way to Trenton by now. He was not dead because I stopped the guys from killing him. I saved him.

The Future: Specials
De TodoHaving abilities is cool, right? I mean look at the superheroes. Wrong. For Lena and her friends having abilities is anything but cool. They're resented and tormented for being different. You're thrown into camps for it. When they're kidnapped and t...