Jackson's POV
" Lena!" I yell rushing to check on her. Her knuckles bled and had a few splinters. The side of her wrist was cut and bleeding as well. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
" It doesn't hurt as bad as it looks." She says examing her hand.
" It doesn't matter that it hurts, what matters is the fact you did it." I tell her walking into the kitchen to find any first aid supplies.
" Why do you care anyways?" She peered over the counter top to look at me. " It's in the bag." She says nodding to the black back pack near the table.
" I care because you're overly sensitive boyfriend is gonna see it and freak. I'll end up taking the blame for it and he's gonna wanna kick my ass." I explain meeting her eyes as I took out gauze and peroxide.
" No, he won't because I'll tell him it was my fault." She says sitting on the sofa.
She looked so beat up. So hurt. I could only imagine. No. I don't want to imagine her pain. I could only pretend.
" I know what you're thinking." She says as I lay the supplies out in front of her. I flip the cap up on the peroxide and squeezed the right amount of liquid into the small cup it came with.
" And what would that be?" I ask as I poured it over her knuckles and sat the cup down. She hissed and pulled her hand back. She looked at me, rolled her eyes and held out her hand.
" That I'm an idiot and need to get my priorities straight."
The splinters were no longer there so I unrolled the gauze and wrapped her hand." Now why would I think that?" I ask sarcastically smirking to make sure she understood me.
She smiled and shook her head.
" All done. Don't punch anymore cabinets please. We need all of the supplies we can get." I look at her and stand up.
" Jackson." She calls. I turn and face her. Her eyes fall to the floor. " Thanks." She says meeting my eyes after a few seconds.
I smile kindly as my eyes wonder to the door. There stood Kendal glaring at me with his cold eyes.
" What happened to you?" He asks rushing to her taking her hand in his.
" I, uh.."
" She cut her hand." I thought for a moment. " By punching me." I shrugged giving him an ' it's- true' look.
He looked at Lena and then at me. She shook her head at me. " Why?" He asks.
We thought again for a moment. As soon as she started to speak I interrupted by saying, " I tried to make a move on her and she hit me. I guess she really loves you."
That last part hurt to say. I know she was taken and I couldn't do anything to change her feelings. She loved him and not me. End of story. So why couldn't I accept it?
Kendal glared at me again and looked away as if dismissing me. Taking it as a warning I looked at Lena and walked away. Miguel or Mikell ran into me at the door and didn't even bother to acknowledge the fact that he ran into me.
I looked around to see Tilar, I think that's her name, and Tonya sitting in the ground next to guy Tyler. Tonya had her head on Tyler's shoulder and Tilar had her knees close to her chest.
I wasn't excepted here. Even if I did somehow gain their trust I would always be human. Humans and Specials just don't mix. I won't fit in anywhere because I'm both. Hybrid is what they call people like me. Half freak and half huey. That's how this society worked now days.

The Future: Specials
RandomHaving abilities is cool, right? I mean look at the superheroes. Wrong. For Lena and her friends having abilities is anything but cool. They're resented and tormented for being different. You're thrown into camps for it. When they're kidnapped and t...