Chapter 28

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Tonya's POV

" What war?" I ask uncrossing my legs to sit on the edge of my seat.

" The war between Specials and Humans. Surely you know what I'm talking about." Mira say pursing her lips.

" A war over what? Their humanity. That's bull. Why are we going to war?" Mikell asks throwing his hands around.

" Over the wall. Information leaked on the internet and news. Everyone knows now. I agree at stupid it is and we can not engage in it. What-so-ever. We can stop this wall from being built." Mira says.

" How are we going to do that? Just stop a wall from being built. It's like trying to stop a torando." Jackson adds.

" Wait a minute. The wall is being built right in the middle of tornado alley, correct?" Tilar asks looking down at her shoes. Mira and Cain shake their heads. " Well, I think that's kind of stupid. Tornado alley got its name how? Because tornados almost always hit that general area. If that wall goes up then I can create a twister so massive and dangerous they won't even know how it happened." Tilar smiled to herself at her brilliant plan. " It'll knock the wall down faster than Tonya can get to China." She says and I smiled shaking my head.

" And I can get there pretty fast." I add. Cain shakes his head at me and Mira chuckles.

" You kids are hilarious. Don't you think they would have thought of that?" Mira asks.

" You're right. So then how are we going to take the wall down then?" Rami asks.

" I'm not sure yet, but it'll come to me. We just need a plan to get there and that's the hard part."

" How hard?" I ask.

" Very. They're gonna have security wrapped around every part of that area. They'll see us for sure. We need a way to get past them and on the other side." Cain says to us.

" How are we going to destroy the wall?" Tilar asks.

" They have material that's Special-proof. It can stand up to the most powerful force, the most brutal temperatures, it can with stand gale force wind and any storm. You name it and the wall can take it." Mira says.

" Funnels?" I ask. Mira shakes her head.

" One thousand degree heat?" Tilar asks. Mira shakes her head.

" Compression?" Lena asks. Mira shakes her head.

" All of our abilities combined?" Mikell asks. Mira starts to shake her head, but stops. She looks at Cain and he shakes his head no.

" That's a great idea. If you all use your abilities on the wall at once it'll give. You're a genius Mikell." Mira says squealing.

" So how exactly are we going to get there? Heavely guarded remember?" I say pursing my lips.

" To be honest, I don't have the slightest clue." Cain answered chewing his bottom lip.

" Well, that's nice." Jackson says throwing his hands in the air and letting them fall.

" I'm sure we'll figure it out, meanwhile, you guys need to figure out how you're going to stop that wall."

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