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by Bellatrix Yllana, Contributor

OOPS, THEY did it again!

The hidden misogyny within the seemingly all-powerful University Student Council is becoming increasingly evident with each passing day.

First, they threw their former vice president, Valeria Encarnacion, under the bus by forcing her to take responsibility for the mess that resulted in the disappointing impeachment episode. Priam Torres, if he had any delicadeza at all, should have resigned and allowed Encarnacion to lead the council. He could have been celebrated as a hero, but instead, he chose to be a villain.

Now, they have removed the only aspect that could have slightly redeemed the legacy of their council: a female vice president. Torres could have appointed Avrille Mae Padilla from CAMP or even Fabienne Lucero from CAS, known as the "First Lady." But what did he do? He overlooked the female candidates among the top three preferred choices for VP.

By neglecting to appoint a woman as vice president, is the USC suggesting that women are unworthy of holding positions of power? Are they so threatened by the potential contributions of women?

A male president appointing a male vice president sets back the progress toward gender diversity in leadership roles that this university desperately needs. They had the opportunity to break the chain and shatter it into pieces, but instead, they chose to mend it and perpetuate the toxic patriarchy that has plagued us for decades.

It's time to challenge the status quo and speak out against misogyny. Enough is enough.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in thispublication are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the viewsor positions of the ANGLE.


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