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Lexi's pov
I woke up at 7am this morning. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, did my makeup and left for school.
When I arrived outside the building there was a group of people gathered around Tyler and Jaden. I saw Olivia and Natalie there.
"Lex!!!" cried Natalie.
I started walking towards them. "Hey what's going on?"
I asked as I looked at Jaden who was already shedding tears.
"Tyler humiliates Jaden in front of the whole school"
Olivia said.

Jaden may have done something very stupid, but she doesn't deserve to be humiliated in front of everyone. I could hear Tyler already yelling curses and insults. I decided to save her from humiliation by entering the circle that had already formed.
"And what do you want?!?"
Tyler yelled at me.
I walked over to Jaden and turned to Tyler. "Come on why did you stop talking?Did you lose your balls?"

Suddenly everyone around us started making fun of Tyler.
Angry and humiliated, he entered the building. The others followed.
"Are you okay?" I asked Jaden.
"Yeah. Thank you
but you didn't have to." Jaden replied.
I smiled and said:
"Even though you did something stupid, you don't deserve that kind of humiliation."
Ta thanked me once more and I entered the building with my friends. "Lex, you just shut him up," Natalie told me, laughing.

I laughed and walked into the classroom. Mrs. Montgomery was already there waiting for us. She is a history teacher.
"Hello Mrs.Montgomery!" we said all three in unison.
"Hello girls, take your seats."
Olivia and I sat on the last row, and Natalie sat in front of us.
During class, Andrew texted me.
"Yo what do you have rn?"
was his message.

I answered him with "History. What about you?"
he replied with "I have geography."
We continued talking until my class ended.

"What were you guys talking about?" Olivia asks as we walk through the halls of the school.
"Various topics," I replied.
At that moment, my eyes caught someone.
My ex-boyfriend Toby is headed my way. Toby is a tall and muscular boy.
His eyes are blue and his hair is brown.

He's handsome, but our relationship just wasn't working out.
"Hey Lexi" Toby said the moment he approached me.
"You again?" Olivia spoke for me.
"Go away, can't you see she doesn't want you here"
Olivia continued. Toby rolled his eyes and left.

After a few hours it was time for lunch.With Olivia and Natalie, we sit with the cheer squad every day for lunch because we are cheerleaders.
We took our lunch and sat down at the table.

After a few minutes I noticed Jaden looking at all the tables wondering where to sit.
Apparently, after her problems with Tyler, everyone left her. He is the captain of the soccer team and everyone falls for him. But not me. He's a complete ass and I can't understand what other girls see in him.

I got up from my seat and walked over to Jaden.
"Lex where are you going?" Natalie asked.
"Hey come with me."
I pulled Jaden by the hand and led her to the table where I was sitting.
"What is she doing here?" Isabelle asked. She is the captain of the cheerleading squad.
"Is it a problem?"
I asked Isabelle.
She looked me in the eyes and was about to answer but I cut her off.

"Anyway, I don't care if it's a problem."
Jaden sat down next to me and started eating his lunch. Gradually she relaxed and started talking to us.


After school I went home.
I jumped on my bed and looked at my phone until Andrew texted me. "Yo i just came back from school. What are you up to?"
"Um nothing interesting."

Again we began to bounce from topic to topic until it was time for dinner. Then we said our goodbyes and I left my phone on the charger and went downstairs to eat dinner..

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