Everybody found out

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Lexi's pov
"Lexi!! You amaze me!" Natalie said after I told her, Pierson and Liv about me sleeping with Andrew. The three just stood there looking at me in shock.
"How are you feeling now Lex?" I lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling as I went back to this moment. A smile appeared on my face and they knew how I was feeling by my expression.

We talked some more and then went to bed.
I can't sleep tonight. Only Andrew is in my head. I tossed and turned in bed all night trying to fall asleep, but without success.


In the morning when everyone was getting ready for breakfast, I decided to go to Andrew's. I couldn't wait for the night to pass so I could see him again.
"Lexi where are you going?"
Liv asked as she saw me open the door to leave.
"I'm going to see Andrew" I whispered to them.
"oh okay"

On my way to Andrew's room, I bumped into Timothy, who was on his way to breakfast.
"Lex! I'm so sorry about last night"
Timothy said hugging me.
I wanted to get rid of him faster so I just told him I forgive him.
"I have a surprise for you, but you'll see what it's like tonight!"
Timothy kissed me and continued walking towards the kitchen.

I knocked on Andrew's door and waited impatiently for him to open.
"Come in!" he shouted from inside. I opened the door and saw Andrew all dressed in white.
White suited him so well.
"Hey" he said walking up to me then kissing me.
"Hey" I said kissing him back.

Andrew looked at me with a sly smile, then just picked me up and threw me on the bed.
"Andrewww" i said laughing.
He started hugging and kissing me.
"I want you to sleep next to me already, to cuddle you at night and just be by my side."
Andrew said in a sweet voice burying his head in my neck and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I also want to wake up next to him every morning, but we both have to endure a little longer. We lay on his bed, hugging each other in silence.
The whole night I didn't stop thinking about this exact moment and when it already happens I can fall asleep peacefully in his arms.

However, the peace and quiet was quickly disturbed. Someone knocked on the door and we both had to quickly move away from each other.
"Who is it?" Andrew asked.
"It's Timothy"
Andrew told me to hide in the bathroom until Timothy left the room.

"Hello Andrew. I want to talk to you about something."

"Okay. What's up?"

"Look Andrew I know you're in love with Lexi. I get you though who wouldn't be in love with her. But the problem here is that your friendship is affecting my relationship with Lexi."

"First off me and Lexi are just friends and neither of us have feelings for the other. Second how does my friendship with her 'affect' your relationship."

"Lexi and I started fighting a lot and it's because of you."

"Wait a minute, what's my fault that you're a jealous brat?"

"I'm just going to tell you to get out of Lexi's life. Her and I love each other and there's no way you can ruin our relationship, I won't let it."

Timothy left the room and Andrew left seconds later. Did he forgot I was here?Timothy talked a lot of nonsense to him and maybe he got angry.
I think I should talk to Timothy today and tell him who I really love. Because right now he's talking crap to Andrew as well, and finally Andrew we might drift away from me and cut contact because of Timothy, and I don't want that. I want to be with Andrew forever. I want him to be the man of my life and the father of my children.


I haven't spoken to Andrew since this morning. He's in his room and doesn't come out.
And it's time for dinner. We are all gathered at the table to have dinner.
My parents and Pierson's have taken care of everything. The food looks so delicious and smells wonderful, but somehow I have no appetite.
"Lexi can you go get Andrew for dinner"
my mom said as she put food on each plate.
"Okay" I quickly jumped up from my seat and went to call Andrew.

My heart started pounding as I stood in front of his room door.
I took a deep breath and opened the door to his room. I saw him asleep on his bed. A movie was playing on the TV.I sat on the bed next to him and nudged him to wake up.
Andrew slowly opened his eyes and when he saw me he smiled.

"I'm sorry to disturb your sleep, but it's time for dinner"
I said to him. Andrew rubbed his eyes and then went to the bathroom to get dressed. When he came back he was wearing a baby pink shirt and white short jeans.
"Let's go to the others because they'll think we're doing something"
We headed for the door, Andrew walking close behind me. Before I opened the door he took my hand, turned me towards him and kissed me.
The kiss made my legs go soft. Shit, I want to stay here in the room with him so much, but we have to go to the others because they'll think of something.
"Andrew not now! Later!"
we both left the room and before we entered the kitchen he whispered in my ear
"I can't wait for dessert mi amor"
God, it's going to be hard now. The two of us next to each other, I don't know how we will last after what happened last night between us.

As we both entered the kitchen, all eyes turned to us.
I only paid attention to the looks of Liv, Natalie and Pierson.
They looked at me with a smirk on their faces.
We sat down at the table and immediately I felt Andrew's hand grab mine. Timothy had grabbed my other hand, but I hadn't gripped it as tightly as Andrew's.

After dinner, our parents stayed at the villa and the rest of us decided to take a walk on the beach.
The view was very beautiful, the sun was setting and the sky was orange and pink, the waves were crashing on the shore. Timothy was standing next to me, holding my waist and resting his head on mine.
I wished Andrew was the one next to me.
I felt Timothy's hand slowly move from my waist. I didn't pay much attention to it, but when I turned to Timothy's side I saw him on one knee and holding a ring in his hands.
The others stood and watched us from the side.
I looked at Andrew, who was looking broken by what he saw.
"Lexi, I know it's a bit unexpected, but I really love you and I'd like to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

"Timothy I'm sorry but...no"
i heard the others gasped.
"Look Timothy I don't have feelings for you anymore. And I can't be with someone I don't love."

I could see tears in Timothy's eyes.
I feel terrible for doing this, but I can't lie to him anymore. Timothy stood up from the sand and left. I was too ashamed to look at the others. Pierson, Liv and Natalie I think you'll understand, but Brent likes Timothy and might be mad at me.

"Well that was awkward." Liv said.
We decided to go back to the villa, because it was getting dark anyway.


When we got back to the villa we saw our parents sitting and talking on the couch.
"Timothy just left. He was too emotional to tell us what happened. Do any of you know what happened?"
Mom asked.
"Well, Timothy proposed to Lexi, she, like a badass, turned him down and publicly humiliated him."
Brent said immediately. Whenever I've done something wrong, he likes to make me out to be a very bad person.

"You always have something to say don't you Brent?"
the fury in me was awakening.

"Of course! But please tell me why you refused to marry Timothy?"

"It's none of your business."

"Oh come on Lexi don't be a brat! Nothing will happen to you if you say why!"

"Because I don't want him Brent!"

"And why?!? What has he done that you don't want him?!?"

"Because I'm in love with someone else god dammit!"

There was silence in the room. I looked around and everyone was looking at me.
Some were shocked and others expected to hear this.
Angered by my argument with Brent, I went up to my room and slammed the door.

With the others:

"Look Brent if she won't say it I will.."
Pierson said.

"Pierson don't!"
Liv and Natalie screamed.

"She's in love with Andrew.."

Andrew who was sitting at one end of the couch looked shocked at Pierson, but at the same time he was glad that Lexi was in love with him too.
He got off the couch, walked up the stairs and headed to Lexi's room..

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