I love you

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Lexi's pov
I was angrily pacing around the room wanting to break something. I wanted to be alone for a while so I wouldn't take out my rage on the wrong person.
I sat down on the bed to calm down and at that moment the door opened.
"What!?" i yelled angrily. I looked up and saw Andrew enter the room and close the door.
"Andrew I want to be alone right now"
I told him, calming my voice.
"Come with me." he held out his hand to me.
"Where?" I took his hand. He took me to the balcony of my room.
"Look at the sea," he said.
Andrew wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.
"Now just tell me everything you think."

I put my hands on his and started to say whatever was on my mind.
I told him how Brent had made me feel in this situation and how Brent had done the same before when I had done something wrong. I felt heard and understood. Somehow when I told him everything I was thinking I calmed down and wasn't angry anymore.
Andrew for sure knows how to put me at ease.

I turned to look at Andrew.
His hands were placed on my waist and his fingers were gently caressing my skin. His gaze was focused on my eyes, but then slowly moved down my entire body then went back to my eyes.
"I love you." he blurted out.
This came unexpectedly for me, but at the same time I was glad because I had been waiting to hear these words from him for a long time.
Even when we were in high school, I wanted to hear him say those words to me, but unfortunately he moved away and there was just no way.
But the moment has come.
I can now admit to him that I love him too, I can admit to him everything I feel for him.
"I love you too Andrew. I always have."
I said with a smile on my face. His pupils dilated and his charming smile lit up his face.
Andrew put both his hands on my face and kissed me so passionately. I felt my legs soften as I tasted his lips.

His hands that were on my face went down to my legs and then lifted me into the air.
He walked back into my room and gently placed me on the bed.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.
We had just taken off our clothes when there was a knock at the door.
"Shit" I said.
We both quickly got dressed and I went to open the door.
At the door were Brent, Liv, Natalie and Pierson.
"Oh hi guys."

"Lexi I'm sorry for being so horrible to you. I realize my mistake. Please forgive me."
Brent said. I hugged him and just told him I forgive him.
"So Lex now come with us and let's let Andrew and Brent talk."
Pierson said and pulled me out into the hallway.
I was taken to Liv and Natalie's room and made to sit on the bed.
"What was that for?" I laughed.
"You'll see," Natalie said.
We started talking about some things and at one point I saw that he was staring at me. Did I have something on my face?
"Lexi you have a hickey on your neck.."

Liv said pointing at my neck. They all looked at me with a smile. My cheeks flushed and I covered my neck with my hair.
"Why did you leave Brent with Andrew?" for a moment I had forgotten that the two of them were in my room unless they had gone out for a walk.
"Brent just wanted to talk to Andrew." I feel that there is something that they are not telling me.

After about an hour I decided to go back to my room. I wonder what they were talking about so much.
When I entered the room there was no one.
"Andrew?" i yelled.
"I'm in the bathroom!" I heard him yell from the bathroom.
After a few minutes he came out of the bathroom.
His smile brightened his face.
"Hey" he said excitedly, laying down next to me on the bed.
"What were you and Brent talking about?" I asked, smiling as I rested my head on his chest.

"Well, we talked about a lot of things. But it was more important for him to know what my intentions were with you."
Andrew wrapped his arms around my back and rested his chin on my head. He slowly stroked my back with his finger as he told me about his conversations with Brent.

Andrew's pov
Her nestled in my arms is the most wonderful feeling in the world.
I dreamed so much of going to bed and waking up knowing that she was nestled inside me. She is so cute when she sleeps. I saw that she had makeup on her face, so I decided to wipe it off. I carefully laid her on her back and took a tissue to wipe off the make-up.
I carefully removed her makeup and removed the dress she was wearing. I carefully put on one of my t-shirts.
I turned off all the lights, lay down next to Lexi and wrapped the blanket around us.
I wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep thinking that she was my girl again.

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